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Have you used a chiropractor to help your TMJ?

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I'm having a lot of pain and discomfort with TMJ. My jaw has always popped, but it was never painful until about 3 months ago. I think it happened when I yawned while holding a phone with my jaw against my neck which somehow got everything out of line. A dentist made me a mouthguard which helped a little, but it's stilll difficult to open my mouth very wide and there's still pain. I'm considering seeing a chiropractor, but I'm so scared it will only cause me more problems and pain. I'd love to know if you've been helped by one!!

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My daughter has TMJ and clenches her teeth at night. This has caused headaches, neck and shoulder tension and during bad flare-ups has made it painful to eat.


She has received relief through Chiropractors and massage therapists. I think one of the best treatments was a massage therapist that specialized in Cranial Sacral massage (it is a separate training and certification).


We recently had her fitted for a mouth guard and it seems to be helping.

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We've moved a fair amount and I've had many chiropractors work on my TMJ. They range from no pain to high pain in their treatment! (And the high pain works no better!)


My chiro in NE knew how to adjust it by flicking my wrist! Truly. It was marvelous and it worked.


I had one who put on a latex glove, stuck his fingers in my mouth, and moved some muscle and caused extreme pain. There is no reason for this type of treatment so ask before making an appointment and don't allow anyone to do this to you.


Many chiropractors use ultrasound which is a little machine that they rub over your jaw and it relaxes the muscles and helps.


While you're waiting for real relief, try saying "plum" several times in an over-exaggerated way. It sometimes brings relief.

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Yes, my chiro did a couple adjustments, of the painful variety and I haven't had any problems since then. My dr. suggested I go because I kept having ear pain that was not an infection. My chiro has also done wonders for my back. I went from severe pain everyday to a somewhat nagging pain on a few days.

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