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Singapore Standard vs. US - Can you switch?


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If we've been using the standard editions of Singapore (1 & now 2), can I switch to the US edition for 3? I'm thinking ahead...


Or, should I just stick with what's been working? I know the US one includes more topics; are there that many more?



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I thought the standards was the one with more topics?


My understanding is that you can switch between levels so long as you complete A and B of whatever level you are doing. So if you did US 1A you can't go to standards 1B but you can go from US 1B to standards 2A. It has to do with the order the topics are presented.

Edited by LadyAberlin
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1A/B are nearly identical, almost nothing has changed. 2A is the same way. 2B adds in one concept, I think, that's not included in the US edition.


Level 3 is where the major changes start to take place. My dd is finishing up 2B US edition and then will start Level 3 with Standards. My ds is finishing 2A US Edition and will start 2B with standards.


And then from here on out my kids will do 1A-2A with the US edition (since I already have everything) before starting 2B Standards.

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We switched from 2B US to 3a standards with no difficulties last year. The issue as you get up in the levels is that some of the topics are rearranged between the two editions. Switching between them after 3a may mean you miss something or do something twice.


This faq page may clear up any questions about the differences in the two



This chart is a quick way to see where things are in which level of the two editions (I expect they will add in the standards info for the 6th level once both books are out, I think this summer)


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my mistake for the title...i can't delete it.


interesting...so standards is the better one?


Standards is the newer one with the few additional topics and topics rearranged to fall more in line with California state standards---you'd have to decide whether it was better or not for your child based on your own needs/preferences. Both sides have their adherents.

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Sorry about the confusion with the Standards/US question in my OP! I think my fingers were typing the reverse of what my brain was thinking.


I'm happy that switching to the Standards at level 3 will work out fine because that was my plan, and I was hoping to not have to rebuy the level 2 ones I already have.


Thank you KarenNC for the helpful links!

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