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17 year old homeschooler sailed around the world

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If you google his name you will get lots of posts: Zac Sunderland

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He is openly Christian. It started when his parents wanted him to be passionate about smth. and avoid temptations of the world by commiting to some project. He bought a boat with his own money, repaired it and when he was 16 went on the adventure. He was one year ahead on most of the subjects, and studied on the boat. http://www.sailzac.com/faqs.html


He says that high schoolers can achieve more than people think, but all that is expected from them in our world is to go to school...His sailing experiment might get to some in our society who are trying to keep people yonger and not mature (you know the problem, telling us that they can't do much before they are 18 or so)


He is thinking about Mt. Everest or Arctica next.


My 9 ds wants to be an astronaut and design spaceships. He hates math. Oh my...

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Have you heard about Robin Graham? He sailed his boat, the "Dove" around the world in 1965. (Well, that's when he started his journey.) He was 16 at the time, and also a homeschooler. :) I haven't read his book (http://www.amazon.com/Dove-Robin-L-Graham/dp/0060920475), but have seen the movie.


Kind of neat that someone's doing this again. :)



That was the book that got him thinking/planning this. My boys and I have followed his blog the whole year. We followed his position on the map and read up on the places he landed. I'm sad it's over for selfish reasons and can't wait for his DVD and book. Seems like a really neat family.

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I saw this in my paper this morning, read it to my 10yods, and saved it for my 14yodd (who's gone this weekend). I wondered if Zac was a hser...but how could he not be?


I too read the Robin Dove book. When I was a teenager, I read anything I could get my hands on, and I enjoyed people who walked across the US, Iditarod runners, along with a lot of Danielle Steel. lol Eventually I stumbled upon Kon-Tiki, another great book.


Thanks for sharing this post!

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Hey! I was psyched to hear his mom speak (very briefly) at CHEA in CA this past weekend. What a cool family! I wish we would've known about him sooner so we could've followed his blog. My son (7 yo) is always asking for "adventure" :tongue_smilie:



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