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When is your "school year"?


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We try to follow parts of the public school calendar b/c my husband is a teacher and we like to have some days off that coincide (like spring break, etc). But, we also like to have longer breaks at Christmas, so that has led me to develop a modified calendar.


August 3-September 25 (8 weeks on)

1 week break

October 5-November 24 (8 weeks on)

1 week off for Thanksgiving

November 30-December 11 (2 weeks on)

off for Christmas break

January 4-February 12 (6 weeks on)

1 week off

February 22-March 26 (5 weeks on)

1 1/2 weeks off (spring break/Easter)

April 7-May 26 (7 weeks on)

1 week off (Memorial day & dd's dance recitals)

June 1-11 (2 weeks on)


This gives us a total of 38 weeks, which is more than the 180 days required by the state of NC. I feel better knowing we have a little extra "buffer" in there in case we get behind or sick, etc.

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We school year round taking breaks as needed. We usually only take a few days here and there for appointments, field trips, or holidays but never anything really big. However, this year we took 2 big breaks (2 weeks each) one in September and one in June. DS informed me at the beginning of PS summer break he felt sorry for the kids because they will forget 2/3 of what they learned. He had read that somewhere. He even tried to convince me to let him bring his school work on vacation. :)

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because my dd is part of a ps enrichment program which starts that week. We do 4-day weeks most of the time. We take off a couple of weeks here and there throughout the year when the weather is nice and we need a break. We aim for 42 weeks. I stop every 12-14 weeks and evaluate where we are in meeting our goals for the year to see if we need to adjust something.

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