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If you use chalkdust math for highschool what did you use in the younger grades?

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My soon to be 6th grader used Abeka for K-5 and has done well with it. I bought CD basic math for fall but I am thinking of waiting until 7th for that so he will do pre-alg in 8th and Alg I in 9th. I dont think I want to do Abeka 6 though, so now I am not sure what to use with him. Any ideas?



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BJU 7th and 8th grade texts are very good, 7th is Fundamentals of Math, and 8th is PreAlgebra. I have used both of these and Chalkdust PreAlgebra (and looked at my friend's CD Basic Math). The BJU books are very friendly, and you don't need dvd help with them, there is plenty of explanation in them where the child only needs occasional help from a parent. I feel the BJU books are a little less intimidating than the Chalkdust, not as many problems, not as cluttered, move a little slower, but still challenging. My dd did much better with BJU than my son did with CD. CD has a ton of problems, they are harder, and it is overwhelming to see 120 problems each lesson (I had trouble picking the problems, but since I have done it already now, it wouldn't be as bad). Also, BJU has quizzes every 2-3 lessons, a chapter review, then a chapter test. So you have two opportunities before testing to see if your child gets it.

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Well, one possibility that occurs to me is to begin the CD Basic Math this year but go slow. You could then add in all manner of other interesting math topics (i.e., Becoming a Problem Solving Genius or Primary Grade Challenge Math by Edward Zaccaro, MindBenders logic puzzles, etc.).





Just yesterday I put together a folder for my 6th grader to help him use CD Basic Math this year, and was wondering the whole time just how long he would be able to stick with it. It is just *so* different, and so much more mature, than what we've been doing. Let's be honest - he is going to miss "Mom" teaching him, and has told me so I don't know how many times this summer.


But this is a *great* idea! I had completely forgotten about including "Everyday Math" lessons, because our text before just simply didn't allow time for that. If we can plan that for Fridays, then that will add some special "Mom" time back in to his schedule.


Thanks, Karen and Quiver!

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I am in this position with my dd but with CD pre-algrebra. She will be a 7th grader. The pre-algebra looks so different and intimindating! I think I am going to start her in it slowly and see how she does. But if it looks like it would be better to wait a year I am going to be trying to figure out what to use. Any thoughts?

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I am in this position with my dd but with CD pre-algrebra. She will be a 7th grader. The pre-algebra looks so different and intimindating! I think I am going to start her in it slowly and see how she does. But if it looks like it would be better to wait a year I am going to be trying to figure out what to use. Any thoughts?


See what others say, but I think CD PreAlgebra is the hardest out there. (Its a college book.) The videos explain well (what I saw, I don't own them), but when my son and I did it (w/o dvds), it took us 3 hrs. a day, grueling for both of us. He does well with math, but not what I would call a math whiz. I didn't know what problems to pick (so we did way too many), I can easily say if you do it, you can do just the first third to half of the easier problems and skip the others (unless you child is up to the challenge). I did BJU PreAlgebra with my daughter, and liked it much better. BJU did a little of algebra warm up which was nice to prepare for Algebra 1. There were more concepts covered in BJU PreAlgebra than in Teaching Textbooks PreAlgebra.

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Hi Quiver!


I'm sorry to be posting so late here, but I don't get on the boards often lately. I use ABeka for K-6th for dc #2-7 (oldest ds used MUS). Here's what's happening in our house:


- Oldest dd switched to ABeka for 5th grade. Did ABeka 5th and 6th, and the first 1/3 of 7th. Complained that 7th was boring and an almost complete repeat of 6th, so I compared and found she was right. The ABeka rep told me that lots of folks skip the 7th book. I tested her with a Saxon placement test and found that she was ready for Alg. I, so we started her with CD Alg. I (Nov. of 8th grade). She has done extremely well with CD, and is currently acing CD precalc.


- 2nd oldest ds did ABeka for K-6 (note: I still teach many concepts using MUS techniques, blocks, and fraction overlays). Tested him with the Saxon placement test, found him ready to start Algebra I as well. He began Algebra I in late January of 5th grade. We are going very slowly and he's doing well, but not getting the concepts as quickly as dd even though he is just as bright as her. It's just because he's 2 years younger than she was when she started.


- Younger children: I will evaluate them on a case-by-case basis. A coulple might be ready for Alg. I when finished with ABeka 6th, but most will probably do at least some of the CD PreAlg. book.




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So, Jean, have you made a decision about what to use. As I posted earlier I am in the same boat with CD Pre-algebra for my 7th grader. I'm still not sure what to do. If I should put it off until 8th or try it now. She is an average math student. I am curious on what you decide to do with your 6th grader.

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So, Jean, have you made a decision about what to use. As I posted earlier I am in the same boat with CD Pre-algebra for my 7th grader. I'm still not sure what to do. If I should put it off until 8th or try it now. She is an average math student. I am curious on what you decide to do with your 6th grader.


I looked through the CD basic math last night and I do think he can do it. He is a really good math student and after finishing Abeka 5 this year, I think he is ready. I am not sure he will be ready for pre-alg in 7th but he is really good at math so I am going to wait and see.


Now, my other son who is entering 8th this year just finished CD pre-alg in 7th. He is an average math student and I wish I had waited with him. So my advice for average students is to maybe do LOF( or keys to...?) for a year and then do the pre-alg in 8th.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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