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Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory or MFW Adventures.....

Pat in MI

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I just posted this on the MFW forum because it just emphasized how well ds has learned the concepts this year:

"Today, we were looking at some star pictures and ds said, "oh there's Betelgeuse". I thought to myself, "where did he pick up anything about that star?" You see, we're on week 28 of Adventures and ds learned about Betelgeuse in week 5! He remembered the lesson better than I did. It finally came to mind that we went outside and did a bunch of measurements comaring Betelgeuse to the size of the sun. Amazing. Those hands on lessons really make a big impact. "


Ds has really learned who the people of American History are. He has learned a lot about the states and I find it VERY EASY to implement. It's really just open the TM and go. The only thing I'm not crazy about was the science. It didn't have enough for my science loving kid, but for an average lover of science, it would be enough. We're continuing the curriculum with ECC next year which is saying A LOT because I love to research curriculum and try to find the best thing for our family. So, knowing what's out there and still staying with ECC shows that we have really enjoyed this year. DS has even been caught reading a book on history in his free time - just because he wants to learn. It's been a good year.



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It does look so good. I am using MFW 1st this year and like that too. I started looking at the Heart of Dakota stuff and that looked good. You know the grass is greener problem. Ugh! I think the hardest problem with hs is picking the curriculum. I sometimes wish there were not so many good choices. Sometimes, but it is fun to look. Thanks for your reply.



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Oh the curse/blessing of that greener grass!!

I make myself sick with discissions!! I wish God would speak audibly in my ear and just tell me what to do. Hehe


It does look so good. I am using MFW 1st this year and like that too. I started looking at the Heart of Dakota stuff and that looked good. You know the grass is greener problem. Ugh! I think the hardest problem with hs is picking the curriculum. I sometimes wish there were not so many good choices. Sometimes, but it is fun to look. Thanks for your reply.



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You know, I have always been attracted to MFW, but there is one thing that has always nagged at me:

I cannot see a Christian charging what they do for such a small TM. I keep hearing others say how it is so inexpensive to use.....ah yeah IF you use the library. But when you see the size of the TM and that it is only a schedule it in no way compares with what others charge for so much more.

Yes, they do donate to missions part of their earnings, but so do most folks. The difference is that when we donate it comes out of our pocket....my husband doesn't charge more to build the houses cuz we tithe and donate. KWIM.

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There is a schedule, teacher's notes, activities, recipes, experiments, book lists and pages to copy. I'm not sure what else you would need. If you get the required books, no you don't have to use the library. It would enrich things if you got some extra library books, but I rarely have what they suggest, when they suggest it and it is not a big deal at all.


It's a lot more than a schedule, just wanted you to know. i get things cheeper because I buy my books used or from RR and that helps the cost.


Yes, you are right, but not much when compared with other curriculum is the point I was really trying to make. Lets say learning Adventures for example. You could use just that book and not buy or borrow one other book (other than math) and you will have learned a LOT. There is sooo much info right in the manuel. Over 1000 pages or hard years of research and writing for $100. When I compare what is in MFW..... Then there is the price of HOD manuals that are half the price of MFW. I have owned MFW-K and had to sell it for food money, so I know the size of them, and the price is not justifiable in my eyes. Still a good program.

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