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Warning...major vent within!!

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I just can't stand it!! Got a call from UPS last night that my son's XBOX was going to be delivered today between 8am and 7pm so we had some errands to run and run we did. Got home in time for lunch and waited. Sometimes when we have deliveries from UPS they come at dinnertime and sometimes they come at around 1pm, OK fine.

I've been nagging my DH to fix the doorbells, but he 's been busy with other things around the house. Had a note at the front door that stated that the doorbell didn't work, but took it down because people who would come by would practically break the door down by pounded on it so hard. If the doorbell was pressed, all you'd hear was a loud buzz so that's why I took down the note.

Well, apparently now the doorbell doesn't even buzz because I heard a truck at around 1:30pm and figured, OK, he'll ring the bell and the bell will buzz!! Heck no...nothing happened, guy left a note on the window stating that he'll return tomorrow between 10:30am and 2pm!! ARGGGHH!! THIS time we're going to stay home until the package is delivered. BTW, Someone has to be home to sign for the thing and they have to be over 21yo.

Thanks for letting me vent, Ladies. Sorry.

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Call UPS and demand that they re-deliver the package. The UPS rep can contact the local supervisor, who can contact the driver for you.


You were at home and the guy didn't bother to ring the bell. There's no reason you should have to wait for him again tomorrow.


I have had this happen to me, and I had to be pretty pushy about it, but I got my package that day (actually, it was evening when I got it, but that was ok!)


Good luck!



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I think the bell was broken. Don't get someone in trouble for not doing their job, when they did their job, but the contact equipment malfunctioned.


Check the slip, sometimes you can sign it, giving them permission to leave the package on your porch. Granted, you run the risk of having it stolen, but that way, if you miss him and you're at home, you'll still get your package.

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I think the bell was broken. Don't get someone in trouble for not doing their job, when they did their job, but the contact equipment malfunctioned.


Check the slip, sometimes you can sign it, giving them permission to leave the package on your porch. Granted, you run the risk of having it stolen, but that way, if you miss him and you're at home, you'll still get your package.


Oops! I completely missed the part about how she took the note having been taken down, so my suggestion to call UPS and complain was completely out of line. :blushing:


Thanks for pointing that out!



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Okay, I thought you were just trying to get her a second chance delivery.... Sort of miffed.




sigh :001_smile:


I should have read her initial post more carefully before I responded. I guess I'm having another one of my Clueless Days!



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Can you pick it up after the truck returns to the warehouse? I have done that a couple of times, because they always attempt to deliver the package during the 15 minutes it takes for me to drop off or pick up a child from something lol.


I have done that, too, but UPS is only about 10 minutes away from my house, so it wasn't much of a nuisance. UPS was very nice about it.



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