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WWYD? Homeschool 2 question


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I have a child that will be in 4th grade next year. She is on the older end (if that matters). I have another child that will be in 1st grade. He is on the younger end. (will turn 6 in July). We've been following the 4 year cycle recommended in WTM. I was wondering if I should start him with the 4th year so it would be eaiser to do thier lessons together or should I just plan on doing him on the 1st year and her on the 4th. I just see this getting a little more complicated at they get older. (Two different period in history and two different science topics, etc.)



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i'd just wait and let him start history the next year when you get back to the ancients. i've heard (haven't used it yet) that SOTW 4 gets pretty intense and it's hard for younger than 4th graders to handle. maybe just do some geography stuff with him for the year; continents, oceans, map skills, etc.

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If you really want to do history with your younger child, you could focus on national holidays and lighter topics with him that coincide with your older child's history lessons.


For instance, read a book to the younger child about Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, President's Day, etc. while your older child gets books about American History and current events. There are lots of great activity books about holidays geared for the elementary-aged kids, and many public schools follow this as well. As an add on, you could talk about different jobs, like policemen, firemen, etc. and what they do in your community.


For science, just read about nature, seasons, bugs, etc. and let him color/draw pictures. You older child can do the regular science stuff on her level, and the younger child can do informal science. Science and history at that age are more about getting the kids excited than they are about actual knowledge.

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If you really want to do history with your younger child, you could focus on national holidays and lighter topics with him that coincide with your older child's history lessons.


For instance, read a book to the younger child about Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, President's Day, etc. while your older child gets books about American History and current events. There are lots of great activity books about holidays geared for the elementary-aged kids, and many public schools follow this as well. As an add on, you could talk about different jobs, like policemen, firemen, etc. and what they do in your community.


For science, just read about nature, seasons, bugs, etc. and let him color/draw pictures. You older child can do the regular science stuff on her level, and the younger child can do informal science. Science and history at that age are more about getting the kids excited than they are about actual knowledge.


Unless I like Susan's siblings packet, this is exactly what I would do.


When my oldest was in year 4, in 4th grade, his next younger brother was in 2nd grade. I just skipped history for my 2nd grader that year. SOTW was way over his head, and dealt with issues I didn't want to go into in 2nd grade.


I'd do a year of picture books about American history - D'Aulaire's biographies, etc. Geography. Countries and cultures. Holidays. Believe me, skipping formal 1st grade history will not, not, not be a problem :)

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