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Still undecided for 7th grade history... Suggestions?


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I have let my daughter absorb her own history studies over the past couple of years.. I read SOTW to her in elementary and she has since read them again on her own.. She reads library books voraciously.. She has read our entire (huge) home library.. She *knows* history...


However, she has not ever done a timeline and I would like to start her in the ancients and help her put together a timeline starting this summer or fall.


Something that doesn't require me to gather loads of library books would be great... Our library here is not the best and my husband will not go for me spending $100's on more books.


What's out there for a well-read 7th grader? Suggestions are appreciated!

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7th grade starting in Ancients? What if you did year 7 of Ambleside and followed their cycle from here on out? Or maybe start with a pre-year 7 plan that combines the previous 2 or 3 years before the student begins year 7 as written.


Here's year 7: http://www.amblesideonline.org/07bks.shtml


Includes a link for a Pre-year 7 schedule: http://www.geocities.com/justahappygrl/

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Mystery of History I. If she "knows" her history this might make what she knows far more interesting as it puts bible history and secular history side-by-side. It's very fascinating! MOH has geography, timeline work, quizzes, cumulative reviews, etc. I think 7th grade would be a good age to use it independently.


It's not high-brow as in difficult or advanced reading, but it is interesting and written in a conversational way; the author writing to the reader.


ETA: By the way, when we did MOH I we made an AWESOME wall timeline according to the MOH directions. It was super fun, and we still have it.

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Thanks for all the suggestions! We have used AO in the past so I will definitely revisit that idea.


At this point, I think I am leaning toward Mystery of History.. Melissa, I think you have sold me on it! I had no idea they included both secular and bible history together in MOH. That sounds very interesting! And I also didn't know they incorporated timeline work along with geography and everything else. This sounds great! Thanks so much for bringing all this to my attention!


I'm still going to explore all the other ideas before deciding, but MOH looks good for now.


Thanks again!

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