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Help! Probability and Statistics problems

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Hi guys! My daughter is greatly struggling through her probability and statistics college course. We've looked at help books: Shaum's outlines and the Dummies book, and we're also considering the Math Made Easy DVD's. Does anyone have any experience with any of these? (or any other advice?) Yikes! (I think she is failing at this point!)

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Hi Lori! Are you the same LoriM from long ago? Seems so long ago I was always on these boards. Now my dd is taking her last course towards her AArts. Yes, she does have access to a math centre at the college, but she would practically have to live there (she doesn't, she lives about a 30 min. drive away). The problem is, she feels really dumb asking the same questions over and over, and her teacher, who is also there, makes her feel like she should know the stuff already (since he taught it already...). It's all so complicated and she needs lots of review as she goes along as well as exercises. She says she's not being given many exercises to practice the concepts, and the textbook is too simplistic. Gosh, I don't even know what I'm looking at when she shows me - and this course is supposed to be geared to non-math students.


Other tutors? Well...I'd have to do my research.... I guess I was hoping that at least those videos might give just the extra support she needs, but they are a lot of $ and I know little about them.

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If she has access to a tutor center, could she go in an hour early and spend an hour daily there?


Tell her not to feel dumb about asking the same questions. I've worked in those tutor centers during both undergrad and grad school, and EVERYONE asks the same questions. And they often begin with 'You'll probably think I'm dumb to ask this, but ...'


If the tutor center really is that mean, ask the department for a recommendation for a private tutor.


I really wouldn't recommend a video for someone who's failing a college course, especially a summer course! What she needs is someone to sit there and work through problems with her and stop her when she makes mistakes so that they can clarify her misconceptions.

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Have you tried a search online to see if that textbook has online DVTs - digital video tutors? I did that for my son this year when he was doing Lial's Intermediate Algebra & I found that a college was using that text & had the DVTs online for free for the students to review with at home. It was just luck that I found them - but they were great as they taught the lesson with visuals - even had practice problems where you stopped the DVT, did the problem, & turned on the DVT to see them solve the same problem step-by-step. I don't know if your text has DVTs - but if so.....


Just a thought,


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Yes, I'm the same old LoriM. GRIN. My older dd graduates in Dec09 with a BA in mathematics (minor in art) and my younger dd just finished her first semester of concurrent enrollment at the CC. I'm teaching fulltime again at a classical Christian school in eastern NC...math and science to 6-8th grades.


If you want to have her email me some questions, I will try to help, but what I can do online is limited. My dd does a lot of tutoring (and is a good one), so if she can find someone like her around campus to meet her halfway, or at Starbucks or something...


Good to see you again...sorry it's under statistics-duress! :)

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Ha. Great! Nice to be back. Lori, sounds like everything is going great for you all. I appreciate all the advice. I am feeling just a little better today as she's found a study group in her class and also spent a lot of time with the teacher today. Amazing how they pick up when they really have to (remember my dd did the whole Professor B thing). In October, she starts a two-year program at another college (cardiology technology), but she 'has' to graduate first in order to qualify for her scholarship funds.


Take care! (Gee, does Stacey (from Ont.) still lurk these boards?)

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