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Help me brainstorm activities for a neighborhood co-op day camp!

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A few neighborhood moms and kids are getting together to do a co-op day camp for kids ages 6-11. Five moms; 10 kids; once a week in the afternoon for 3 hours. Each mom gets to pick an activity that they enjoy, or are good at, or always means to do with their own kids but never gets up the motivation (that would be me), or that are more fun with more people.


I'm going to use some of the ideas from the "Chemistry Birthday Party" thread from a couple of weeks ago. One neighbor will have the kids put on a little play. Another will have a party with a space theme. The other two are looking for ideas. Help me brainstorm some fun activities with that age group.


I'm thinking:


water games

bike rodeo

neighborhood parade (make floats?)

sports and games at the park

nature appreciation

camping skills

a simple sewing project


What else can you think of?

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I love this idea! I wish I had some ladies nearby to do this with. My suggestion would be an art show--spend the time creating different projects and then put them on display in the garage or back yard and invite parents/neighbor friends to come and see it. You could do a variety of things--clay, paint rocks, sculptures from recyclables, painting, silhouettes, paper crafts, etc. You could even have the kids make up a flyer and take around to friends to invite them to the show.


Another idea is science experiments--like from ClubZoom (there used to be tons of science experiments with simple directions that kids could do easily at the pbskids website--since Zoom isn't on TV anymore, I'm not certain they are still there, but I'd imagine they might be) or Bill Nye the Science Guy. Things like rockets with film canisters, vinegar & baking soda; build a hovercraft with a cd. I can't think of specific ideas right now, I did an after-school class at our school a few years ago using ClubZoom stuff--and it was so much fun! If you can't find anything on the pbs website, pm me and I'll email you some things I downloaded from there.


Oh, a math day--fun math books, math games, build geometric shapes/designs from gumdrops & toothpicks, build structures with sugar cubes. They could even make their own math games to take home with them (like file folder games or something).


A carnival--have the kids work together in groups to create/make a simple game and then invite younger siblings or neighbors to come and play. Like the lollipop game, ducks in a pond, beanbag toss, etc. The kids could make up the prizes earlier (something simple like drawings or pins). Or just give popsicles to everyone when you're done.


Gosh...it sounds like fun! Good luck! Hope you get some more ideas here, too!

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A few neighborhood moms and kids are getting together to do a co-op day camp for kids ages 6-11. Five moms; 10 kids; once a week in the afternoon for 3 hours. Each mom gets to pick an activity that they enjoy, or are good at, or always means to do with their own kids but never gets up the motivation (that would be me), or that are more fun with more people.


I'm going to use some of the ideas from the "Chemistry Birthday Party" thread from a couple of weeks ago. One neighbor will have the kids put on a little play. Another will have a party with a space theme. The other two are looking for ideas. Help me brainstorm some fun activities with that age group.


I'm thinking:


water games

bike rodeo

neighborhood parade (make floats?)

sports and games at the park

nature appreciation

camping skills

a simple sewing project


What else can you think of?



Our library does a summer mini-day camp thing. We use a different theme every week. Some really popular ones have been:


Mexico theme: make pinatas, papier-mache sombreros, have tacos for the snack, play Mexican music, read stories about Mexico, develop skits based on tales from Mexican folklore. (This one is so popular that in other years we have called it "Fiesta Week," "Grande Fiesta," and "Pinata Regatta.")


Pirate theme: made pirate hats, eye patches and cardboard/tin foil swords, learned to sing some (clean) sea shanties, read stories about pirates, played "High Seas Battle" which was really just a game of "Red Rover" between the Long John Silvers and the Blackbeards and each kid gave themselves a pirate name so they had to remember which pirate to 'send over'.


Dinosaur theme: there are a billion and one craft books about dinosaurs (or so it seems), we've done tons of them. We make Dino Chow (which is really just the recipe for 'Puppy Chow'), have a Dino based 'live Bingo' - you need a lot of kids for that but essentially, you divide into teams, give each team member a Dino name (write it on a name tag) and form a human Bingo card outside, the caller calls the names of different dinos and if you are one of them you sit down. The winners are the ones who make a row, just like in regular Bingo. You can shuffle the players to make new 'cards' and play again.



Those are just a few that are always huge hits. HTH.

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