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Nexogen Power Patch

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ANyone use this? It is a weight loss patch, but the health store lady said she uses it for migraines. She said it has also increased her energy. If so, great! Let's get a box. But, I cant find any info on the safety, success, and use of the thing.


Anyone with any experience??

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No experience -- nor do I want any. Whole thing screams "MLM scam".


One of the ingredients is 5-HTP -- which can be used as an antidepressant, if used properly. One should not be taking it in a product such as this, I honestly believe.


I investigate, trust, and use certain "alternative medications". Nothing that I can find about this patch persuades me to trust it. Nor can I find where any M.D. -- reputable nor nonreputable -- addresses the topic of this product. (Maybe some paid endorser on the company website, but I can't get the page to load.)

Edited by Orthodox6
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Ok, here is my 2 cents and you can ignore my thoughts in their entirety, if you like:


1. There is nothing other than good diet and exercise that will promote healthy weight loss. If you are unable to lose weight / improve energy with these, you need to seek and treat the underlying imbalance.

2. There is nothing inherently dangerous in this patch. HOWEVER, everything in this patch has been processed to the point where it is not herbal anymore. If you want to take pharmaceuticals, take the controlled kind, not the ones that they are sneaking in as "herbal" because that's what they started with. Isolated chemicals are isolated chemicals. Period. Herbs work as whole, naturally balanced foods. (or supplements) They are complex.

3. The health store lady uses it for energy and migraines because of the caffeine. Caffeine is a traditional component of migraine medications.


Natural healthcare is not just swapping a capsule with ground up herbs for a tablet with lab created chemicals. It is an approach which looks for the cause of the body's imbalances and addresses that through lifestyle, exercise, nutrition and, yes, sometimes chemical support, though of a very different variety than allopathic healthcare.


Ok, I will get off my soap box now. I'm studying to be an herbalist and encounter this type of thing a lot. I find it frustrating. Sorry.

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Thanks ladies. I have to agree with what was posted. I did not realize the patch contained caffeine. That would explain the headache relief - at least until you stop using the patch.


I dont know which direction I will go for migraine relief, but it won't be the patch.

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