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Tutoring fees

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I tutor all subjects and I charge $20/hr. One of the families I tutor for is moving to Canada and the mom told me that she was going to refer me to others and that I needed to raise my prices to $30-$40/hr. Do you think that is reasonable? I was thinking of having people meet me at the library so I could have students back to back instead of driving to people's houses and only be able to take one student a night. However there is a mom who is interested in tutoring and she is 20 minutes away. I thought I might raise my prices to $30 and hr and if she needs me to meet at her house I would charge $35/hr and it would have to be on Wed because the library is closed and I wouldn't be able to do multiple students that night because of it anyway. Do think that is a reasonable request to say $35/hr only on Wed and I'll drive 20 minutes to meet them at their house? I have a hard time not feeling like I'm a money grubber if I raise my rates. Although financially we need the money. I did have someone tell me the other day a friend of theirs tutors for $50/hr. So anyway what are normal rates.


Edited by LadyAberlin
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