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My dd1 had 6 cavities!

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I took her in to have them filled under general anesthesia. There was originally two but when the dentist took x-rays he found four more. I was blown away. He told us it looks like the enamal hasn't formed correctly so it has made her more cavitiy prone. He put sealent on the rest of her teeth that was emerged though far enough (she still doesn't have all of her teeth yet). The whole procedure took two hours. She did well and was fine the rest of the day. I was told she would either sleep on and off or be like her old self. She was back to her old self as soon as we got home. This was such a blessing because we were really worried about having her put under general anesthesia. She is doing fine 2 days later. Once in awhile she will eat something that seems to hurt her teeth but otherwise she is doing well.

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Scary! I'm glad everything went fine. We had similar problems with our 4 year old only she was 3 before it was all discovered. She had to have half of her baby teeth pulled and the rest are capped. I am glad you guys caught it in time. Our three oldest had no enamel on their baby molars so they had several deep cavities as preschoolers. Our son also had enamel issues on his front teeth and they are capped. Our pediatric dentist has said there shouldn't be any issues on their permanent teeth and for the most part we haven't seen anything with our older girls as long as they take really good care of them! LOL. :D

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OUr dentist uses the sealant... not sure of exact name. He applies it to their molars/harder to reach teeth after each comes through the gum and kids are doing great. I think it is a huge factor!


I know genetics can have an impact.... don't eat ice or hard candy b/c it causes cracks.... and brushing in back is harder for young children.


We use baking soda toothpaste also. Some hate it and argue against it... but it has worked very well for our family. No sensitivity issues either - so enamel is okay.


Glad they find them when they did... she could have had worse issues next time. Hope the next visit is a 0 cavity day!


Oh, know your dentist. I have seen fraudulent ones who filled teeth without need. (i was the victim of one..12 fillings in one year.. .I thought something was wrong with me). New dentisit for several years & nothing was wrong. Con-dentist.

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MY daughters both had this issue, too. My oldest had some teeth come in that were all yellowy and just really soft- it was so weird. Oddly enough, hers were *so* bad that I caught it very early and the ones with no enamel were capped straight away and then ok (one did get pulled later for acavity under the cap at the bottom).


MY youngest also had missing enamel, but in spots, and her poor teeth were just a MESS by 3. She also had general anasthesia (that is spelled so wrong) and one pulled, two capped and a whole mess filled. Because hers was in spots, we didn't catch it in time like with our oldest.


Good news: thus far, oldest has almost all her adult teeth and they are fine, they have enamel like regualr ol teeth. No popcorn kernel teeth.Youngest has only afew adult teeth, but they are also ok. I have heard a few theories on why it happens- from anitbiotic use as babies (oldest did, youngest had none) to fevers in the mother while pregnant (had bad UTI's with both pregancies, almost the whole time, so that may be it).


Hope all is well now!

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I really think it just may be genetics that has caused all of this. My sister and I both had a lot of teeth capped when we were little, we weren't this young though. I didn't have any UTI's when I was pregnant with her, no fevers either, and she's only been on anti-biotics once. She only gets water in her sippy cup, no juice or milk. Occasionally I'll give her watered down kool-aid but that is very rare. She still nurses during the day and at night but from what I've read breastmilk doesn't cause cavities.


I first noticed that cavities on her upperfront teeth in January. They were small but I could see tiny wholes. I took her to the pediatric dentist that our family dentist recommanded. He said they were in fact cavities. We would have had her in sooner to have the repair instead of 5 months later but the dentist required our portion up front so it took us some time to come up with that. By that time, the cavities on her front teeth were really bad, the were brown and just looked horrible. After the dentist was finished he told me that the one tooth he had to clean out clear to the nerve. He put tooth colored bands around then and the ones on either side that were starting to show signs of cavities. Then see had too small ones on a couple of her bottom molars. I thought for sure my dd1 would be in a lot of pain these last few days but she has done well. I didn't even give her any pain medicine yesterday and she was fine.


It's definitely something I don't want to go through again. The first hour of waiting was okay, but then I started getting ansy after that. The nurses did come out right after they put her under to let me know she was okay, and then again to tell me the new cavities that he found. I'm just glad it's all over and my baby is fine!

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