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Bigger blow-up pools...how to keep them clean??

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We didn't spring for one of the bigger easy set pools this year because we are hoping to go on vacation and we are saving money for that. So once again we bought a bigger blow up pool. Last year we had a terrible time keeping it clean. Dd never even got into it dirty.:confused:


Does anyone have any tips on keeping those things clean? Can you use half a tablet of those chlorine tablets maybe? I don't know if a filter has to filter some of that out:confused: We bought a pool cover this year but I want to get a jump on it early.



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A little bleach will help keep it slime free. It's completely safe for the kids, you can purify water for drinking with it too. I'm not sure exactly how much though, we haven't had one since we came here because of water restrictions. Perhaps Mr Google can tell you.


eta: and I second the tarp.

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We bought a pool cover, like for the easy set pools. The blow up pool is an octagon shape so it fit better than a tarp. I'll have to google the bleach. The smell of bleach makes me ill, so I would not have thought to use that.

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You could always go to your local pool supply store. They'll be happy to help you (and sell you chemicals ;)) You can also buy little bottles of granular chlorine--a lot of times they are sold as spa sanitizer. I have a small easy set pool and that's what I use. The bottle will tell you how much to use for the amount of water you have in the pool (I think mine even tells you how to estimate the volume of the pool). You can dissolve the chlorine in a bucket of water, then stir it into your pool, if you don't have a pump/filter to do the mixing for you.

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We had one of those big, rectangular "family-sized" pools - the one where the family shown in the picture on the box must all be three feet tall because no normal-sized family would all be piling in to cool off - and I had a heck of a time keeping it clean. I had a test kit, bleach to add in certain proportions, baking soda - Mr. Google was very helpful in the theoretical application of these chemicals, but practically speaking, it was a mess! Finally, my husband said, "That's it - you're too irresponsible to care for this. It's going!" Did I mention I was pregnant at the time? He wasn't concerned that I wouldn't be able to care for our first-born child, but that pool? NO WAY!

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We've had one for years. We use the bleach tabs in a floating dispenser. It keeps the chlorine level stable and the water clear. We do have a cover, there are a lot of trees around. We use a hand net to scoop out any crud each day and occasionally vacuum too, but thats because of all the trees :001_smile:

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We've had one for years. We use the bleach tabs in a floating dispenser. It keeps the chlorine level stable and the water clear. We do have a cover, there are a lot of trees around. We use a hand net to scoop out any crud each day and occasionally vacuum too, but thats because of all the trees :001_smile:


I think I saw this at Walmart when I was trying to decide between the blow up pool and the easy set pool. I think I'll check that out, if not, maybe I'll ask a pool shop.

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