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Momof7-can you plz PM me when you get a chance?


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I got all excited about using PTIW from your thread below and from liking what I saw in the sample-and THEN I read in your other thread how you don't use their assignments but rather apply the ideas across the curriculum. I'd love to hear a specific example of how you do this to give me an idea! After that I would understand how to apply it myself in our curriculum. I do think it makes more sense to streamline in that way, and it's the type of approach I've been looking for. Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

How about writing a guide for all of us? I would buy it.:D


I find myself thinking of Momof7's method while I take walks and wonder how I could easily implement it. I only have four not seven but I really need would need help in how to organize and implement it.

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Just to clarify, for younger kids (and by this I mean advanced 4th grader up......that is the absolute youngest I would use it and only if the child is functioning more like a very solid 5th grader), PTIW is more of a way to discuss writing than anything else b/c a large portion is not applicable since it is MLA documentation and including direct quotes (both of which I believe are inappropriate on an elementary level.) PTIW does teach paragraph basics, varied sentence structure, active vs passive voice, grading rubrics and how to edit, etc. It is a matter of selecting the appropriate sections for the age level you are working with.


As far as creating writing assignments......

PTIW tells the student to write paragraphs on yard care, family vehicle, chores, vacation destinations, musical categories, etc.




I don't have a hard and fast rule on what I pick for writing assignments. I simply select topics from their reading (history, science, lit, geography) and pick something that I want them to explore deeper or remember. I give so many different kinds of assignments that it is hard for me to generalize. It might be pretending to be a journalist traveling back in time to a historical event, or a report on the special features of birds that allow them to fly, or a character sketch from a novel, or descriptive paragraph about a location, or create a scene that wasn't described in their novel/change a scene from a novel, etc.


Whatever writing skill we have been discussing I expect them to incorporate into the assignment just as if they were following directions from a textbook.



As far as elementary writing, I don't have time to respond to that today since we are starting back to school tomorrow and I really should be finishing up some last minute planning. However, if you send me an email I will email you a couple of attachments that I have. You can email me from my member page.

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