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Any ideas where to find a really cheap vacation rental in NC?

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I've got three weeks before my next chemo treatment which will then be weekly for 12 weeks. I'd love to squeeze a family vacation in there, but never planned ahead for one since I didn't expect to get a break. I've heard that there are a lot of beach houses that are not yet being rented and wondering if I might not be able to take advantage. Any ideas of places online to look and negotiate a price?



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I have used this numerous times over the years. It is where owners can rent out their condos. It is broken down by area, so all beach areas in NC would be listed seperately. I would just look for last-minute specials in the area you want to visit. I once planned a vacation to Orlando with less than 2 weeks before we wanted to go. Using VRBO, I contacted owners in the condo area I wanted and asked what would be there includes everything price for the week we wanted to travel. I got a 3-BR condo for under $350 for the week. Othe owners wanted close to $1,000 for the same week, so you may have to send out a number of e-mails to get the best deal.


Enjoy your trip.


I think there is a last-minute special section listed at the top of the homepage, but I haven't looked for it in a while.

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