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Reporting some success!

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We've finished our course of vision therapy. We went because ds had a not-otherwise-specified LD involving visual reasoning, etc. I was very skeptical throughout, but I did think there were some exercises that they did that made sense to me, so we stuck with it. We also did Brainware Safari during that time and I could see the progress happen with that--not just visual processing but also working memory.


Today, we got the post-testing from Vision therapy. The first time ds took the Beery VMI (a test of visual-motor integration), he was about 6, and scored 59 standard score and 1%. After occupational therapy, the next time he was given a VMI, it was a standard score of 80 (probably around the 10%). The next time, a couple years later, it was an 85 (16%). Well this time, the VMI was a standard score of 98 (48%) --dead average! This is such a huge improvement, and I'm very encouraged. (After all that improvement, he still reverses his g's, but hopefully, we'll get that ironed out eventually!)


He's also done respectably in baseball this spring--got a few hits, decent in the field.


Next step is Cogmed when he gets back from all his travels this summer.


One layer of the onion at a time!

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How encouraging - you must be so pleased!


What are the exercises you thought were most helpful? We can't afford VT at the moment (had to choose between that and orthodontic work this year:tongue_smilie:). But I do have Kenneth Lane's book, "Developing Occular Motor and Visual Perceptual Skills - An Activity Workbook". I'm planning to work through various exercises this summer and if it seems worthwhile, we'll look at doing formal VT in the future.


Also, what is Cogmed?

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How encouraging - you must be so pleased!


What are the exercises you thought were most helpful? We can't afford VT at the moment (had to choose between that and orthodontic work this year:tongue_smilie:). But I do have Kenneth Lane's book, "Developing Occular Motor and Visual Perceptual Skills - An Activity Workbook". I'm planning to work through various exercises this summer and if it seems worthwhile, we'll look at doing formal VT in the future.


Also, what is Cogmed?


Cogmed is a computer program that works on improving working memory (a problem for kids with ADHD). It was developed by a researcher and has 3 double-blind studies published in peer reviewed journals to back it up. I had read the journal articles and wished that the product was available commercially and then found out it had been released! One telling thing is that all the providers in the US are either MD's or PhD's. One doesn't find that with products with a less solid research base. It is expensive $1500-$2000 for the course of the program, but at least I feel assured beforehand that there will be a difference for the $$ outlay. I wasn't sure about VT, and I do, truly, think a chunk of the improvement was Brainware Safari. (Brainware also works on working memory and I saw clear improvement in that with ds in his school work . Also, I saw improvement on the Brainware program itself with visual-spatial stuff that amazed me.) So the $49 Brainware might have been a big chunk of the improvement in $$$$ VT results.

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So glad to hear it, Laurie! Your post motivated to actually break out the Brainware Safari I bought 6+ months ago and get my son working on it.




Yeah--if I ranked what we've done (in addition to direct instruction which I think just has to be done and is most effective for academics), first place would go to the first round of OT and the second place to Brainware Safari.

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