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Calling Dr. Moms. (Or is that Drs. Mom?) I need your help.

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DS (age 8) has had a fever and diarrhea for a couple days now. He was feeling better this afternoon, so I took him to run a few errands. It's chilly here in Central Texas, and he looked a little blue when we got out of the car. I sort-of did a double take, but he wasn't out of breath and was acting fine... but cold. We went inside the store and he warmed up fine. After we'd been in the store for about 30 minutes, and all seemed to be well (no more blue) and no complaints, he said to me, "Mom, can I sit down please? My legs are totally numb."


Huh? I asked him what he meant, "Are they cold? Explain how they're numb." He said they felt the way his lip did when he had dental work. I asked him how long they had felt that way, and he said since we were in the car.


Now his fever's back, he says his legs feel fine, but he's getting dizzy every time he gets up. We're pushing fluids, but I just don't understand the legs, or the blue... There seems to be no breathing issues. It's also warm in our house, so he's not cold.

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DS (age 8) has had a fever and diarrhea for a couple days now. He was feeling better this afternoon, so I took him to run a few errands. It's chilly here in Central Texas, and he looked a little blue when we got out of the car. I sort-of did a double take, but he wasn't out of breath and was acting fine... but cold. We went inside the store and he warmed up fine. After we'd been in the store for about 30 minutes, and all seemed to be well (no more blue) and no complaints, he said to me, "Mom, can I sit down please? My legs are totally numb."


Huh? I asked him what he meant, "Are they cold? Explain how they're numb." He said they felt the way his lip did when he had dental work. I asked him how long they had felt that way, and he said since we were in the car.


Now his fever's back, he says his legs feel fine, but he's getting dizzy every time he gets up. We're pushing fluids, but I just don't understand the legs, or the blue... There seems to be no breathing issues. It's also warm in our house, so he's not cold.


Turning blue and getting dizzy are circulation issues. Call your local hospital and ask for a nurse advisor to see what you need to do. Don't wait on this. It's probably nothing, and I don't want to alarm you, but it's always better to just check with those who really know, ya know?


Ask your son if he's eaten anything funny lately... or if he's taken any medicine.

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DS (age 8) has had a fever and diarrhea for a couple days now. He was feeling better this afternoon, so I took him to run a few errands. It's chilly here in Central Texas, and he looked a little blue when we got out of the car. I sort-of did a double take, but he wasn't out of breath and was acting fine... but cold. We went inside the store and he warmed up fine. After we'd been in the store for about 30 minutes, and all seemed to be well (no more blue) and no complaints, he said to me, "Mom, can I sit down please? My legs are totally numb."


Huh? I asked him what he meant, "Are they cold? Explain how they're numb." He said they felt the way his lip did when he had dental work. I asked him how long they had felt that way, and he said since we were in the car.


Now his fever's back, he says his legs feel fine, but he's getting dizzy every time he gets up. We're pushing fluids, but I just don't understand the legs, or the blue... There seems to be no breathing issues. It's also warm in our house, so he's not cold.


This just doesn't sound right. Did you call? Please keep us updated as you have time.

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I called the clinic's 24 hour line, and they told me to bring him in tomorrow. They said since he seems to be doing fine now, it can wait. If it happens again, or if there are any more complaints about his legs or if he looks bluish again to take him in to the ER.


He is alseep at the moment, but it's going to be hard for me to sleep tonight. *sigh* It's my job to worry...


I know it's probably nothing, but I keep thinking, what if something's REALLY wrong.

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I called the clinic's 24 hour line, and they told me to bring him in tomorrow. They said since he seems to be doing fine now, it can wait. If it happens again, or if there are any more complaints about his legs or if he looks bluish again to take him in to the ER.


He is alseep at the moment, but it's going to be hard for me to sleep tonight. *sigh* It's my job to worry...


I know it's probably nothing, but I keep thinking, what if something's REALLY wrong.


{{{Whisperlily}}} It's probably some wonky virus. The fact that his breathing is normal is a good sign, right?


Hang in there. I hope you get a little rest.

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Ugh... we just spent 4.5 hours in the waiting room at the ER after being unable to secure an appt. for DS at the new ped's office. They told us to take him to the ER, since the symptoms couldn't wait another week or 2 until they could get him in.


It was the most awful experience, and I'm about ready to sit down and cry. Already ADHD DS was wired to the max, and I had to take little sister (almost 3) with us. They wouldn't put him on the "fast track" because he'd be seen by a NP, and his symptoms required an MD. We kept being bumped by arriving ambulances (I'm glad they took care of the immediately life threatening patients first, but wow, what a wait.)


Long story short, they ruled out all the big issues, and don't know what caused it.


Can I collapse now? My head is killling me, not to mention my arms from trying to restrain silly and/or frustrated DD, and my patience has hit its limit.

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I agree. If I have a sick child, all I have to do is call and s/he gets seen the same day, 7 days a week (mornings only on weekends). The only time we are referred to the E.R. is when the office is closed and it is an emergency, but we can talk to an M.D. 24/7 no matter what.


What a nightmare! I would actually be very angry that your own ped refused to make time for him somewhere in the next two days with those symptoms. That's outrageous!
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I really don't know what to do here... Maybe this deserves another thread, but I'm afraid I'm stuck with bad healthcare.


We have military health care insurance. The insurance and coverage is wonderful and widely accepted. I have NO problems with the military aspect, and before we moved we had absolutely fantastic care.


The care problem lies in the fact that we're living in an area that does not have enough providers. (For ANY insurance, not just ours.) We barely got in with this clinic. Two days after we were accepted, they stopped taking new patients. We've been trying to get an appointment for my children since December. They have special medical needs... all but my youngest. I WILL need to have access to my Dr. But I'm afraid it's not going to happen.


I didn't mention this earlier, because my main concern was what to do in the specific situation with DS8, but Friday evening I had to take DS(age 5) to the ER after several days of watching his asthma symptoms worsen, even with our at-home treatment, while waiting for a same-day appt. I called in the mornings, "no appts. available, try again tomorrow." We went to the ER and his breathing wasn't good. We were told to wait, and wait we did for 2 hours while I watched him struggle in the waiting room. Finally it came to a point where I carried him up there and told them, "HE. Can't. Breathe. DO SOMETHING!" So they reassessed him and took him back to a bed in a hallway where they gave him O2 and a Dr. finally came to look at him.


I just don't know what to do. I'm told by everyone here that it's the same everywhere within driving range. The city is overpopulated and understaffed for medical care.

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We're military and while we were visiting our folks over Christmas, my husband became ill and the only place to go was the ER. And this was in an area where you would expect there to be at least some providers that would accept our insurance. It is very frustrating!

We only have to worry about it when we're traveling. I can't imagine having to deal with it like you are. I'm sorry.

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