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May I call this day a wash? Under these circumstances, what would you do?

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Oldest (13yo) came down with the cold this morning- feeling queasy, sniffly, miserable.


The baby still recovering from the cold- not nursing well, popping through a tooth, generally needy.


2yo- At the height of the cold. Nose drippy. Sitting watching almost endless loops of little einsteins.


4yo- still fighting it off, but starting to snot.


8yo- recovering. Just tired.


6yo- He was patient zero. Perfectly fine, in prime ADD form. :D Bouncing off the walls, building large towers with blocks, all. over. the. house.


10yo- still healthy. Can do school, but has ended up being my helper all morning. "Can you run to my room?" "Can you take this cup to your brother?"


At what point do you just put on an educational video and call it a day?




btw- I'm still getting over this cold. I haven't been sick in a loooooong time. I hate being sick. I have been up several times every night with various children for the past week and a half, and I'm in sleep deprivation mom mode. Do the next thing...don't sit down. YKIM?

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I know I don't really need permission:001_smile:, I just want to know how I stack up on the wimp continuum.


Thanks for pushing me to do what my gut already knew would happen. I just hate giving up a day of school. Especially with the older kids. But what will they really remember on a crazy day like this? More justification....

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