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Singapore's Challenging Word Problems make me feel soooo dumb.


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My son tested into Singapore 3B. He is doing very well with the workbook and IP. He is getting about 1/2 the Challenging word problems wrong, and honestly I can't even figure out some of them. I even brought them to a friend, whom I consider very smart and she couldn't get the right answer. I don't see anywhere in 3B where Singapore teaches the kids (or adults in the HIG) how to do these problems. There are only answers and no solutions. For goodness sake, this is third grade math. What do I need to do to help him (and myself) learn how to do these Challenging Word Problem? :confused:

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My son tested into Singapore 3B. He is doing very well with the workbook and IP. He is getting about 1/2 the Challenging word problems wrong, and honestly I can't even figure out some of them. I even brought them to a friend, whom I consider very smart and she couldn't get the right answer. I don't see anywhere in 3B where Singapore teaches the kids (or adults in the HIG) how to do these problems. There are only answers and no solutions. For goodness sake, this is third grade math. What do I need to do to help him (and myself) learn how to do these Challenging Word Problem? :confused:

If you're using 3b in the regular workbook, I would definitely go back to 2 for the Challenging Word Problems. It's a lot easier to learn when it's not new material, and if I remember correctly, 2 has more teaching than 3 (especially with the rod diagrams)

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If you have problems with a particular questions, Jenny at the SingaporeMath forums will help. You many find it already answered there. If not, just post the question number and full text of the question in the appropriate Math Help forum.

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"Singapore's Challenging Word Problems make me feel soooo dumb."


LOL. At one point I seriously considered writing a letter to the university from which I graduated blasting them for letting me out without knowing how to do what amounts to 3rd or 6th grade arithmetic.


It's one thing to escape from high school without a marvelous math education since certified math teachers don't necessarily even have math degrees, but for a unversity to put us in math classes under the control of mathematicians, take our money, and tell us that we have a college level understanding of mathematics when they hand us that diploma has got to be one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated in history. (How's that for some hyperbole?) They should have flunked me and instead they gave me A's and honors. Unbelievable.



I came to terms with "feeling dumb" when I considered the other possibility that I might have gone through life never realizing the vast areas in which I needed remediation.


As flylady says, "You aren't behind, just jump in where you are."

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Well, LOL, like any kind of mindwork (crosswords, sudoku, etc.) you'll get into the swing of it and it will get easier. I think the program does begin teaching you how to use the little rod system in first and second grade, so it might be simpler for you to drop back to pick that up. Or go to the Singapore website where I think you can ask for help, or just ask here. After you've done a few of them, they'll start to make more sense to you.....



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If you have problems with a particular questions, Jenny at the SingaporeMath forums will help. You many find it already answered there. If not, just post the question number and full text of the question in the appropriate Math Help forum.



I second this, Jenny is Jennifer Hoerst, author of the HIG's. :D



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jump into the challenging word problems if I hadn't been seeing how they did the ones in the regular book. I have a math major, so I can always get the answer, but I couldn't always see how to get the answer without using algebra. :-) It took me a while to get used to their method. But, I think that is what I love about Singapore.

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