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Abeka Pre-Algebra (Basic Mathematics II)

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I recently got my hands off every book in this (The Teacher Key, Quiz/Test Student and Teacher books, the Solutions Manual and the Student Edition), but don't have the curriculum (daily lessons manual). Is it possible for someone to give me an idea of one of the lessons please?


Thank you,



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My dd's finishing up the Basic Math course and doing it on DVD. The lesson plans I have are lined up with the DVD classroom, so I don't know how much it varies from the non-DVD version, but it's probably pretty similar.


At the beginning it tells you how to do grading, quizzes and tests, then it just gives you an outline of what to do each day. Here's a couple of examples:


Lesson 1:


Materials Needed: (lists books needed for that day's lesson)


Teacher Instructions: (These are somewhat classroom-oriented and not always applicable to me, especially since I have an independent worker.)


Homework: Page 3: Sharpening Skills 1-25


Lesson 41:


Materials Needed: Quiz 8 and Teacher Key


Teacher Instructions:

1. Homework Check. (During HW check, have students read the information box on p. 99 of the worktext.)

2. Turn on the video.

3. Administer, grade, and collect Quiz 8.


Homework: Page 100: Sharpening Skills 1-22



Every day is much pretty much like that. HTH.

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I assume you have the DVD series. What I am talking about is the standard Pre-Algebra Curriculum Guide that you can buy. I had a look at a friends Basic Maths I (Grade 7 Worktext/Curriculum) and it had something like this. I have the book with me so I'll quote:


Lesson 1:


[...]Introduce and Teach p.1, Definitions and Place Value


Read and discuss the information given under 1.1, you may want to either read the information aloud, have a student read it aloud, or have the students read the information silently and then read it aloud. Each fact should be discussed. Even though the book will explain rules and facts needed to work the problems, you will need to explain the material. Using the numbers on the chalkboard, ask students to give the values of the circled numbers. After looking at the sample solution under Practice Problems, instruct the students to answer pp. 1 and 2, Practice Problems 1-14. Call out answers when sutdents have finished. Ask all students who missed two or less to stand. Frequently recognize students who work hard and do well. Always encourage students who are struggling to understand the material. [...]


Extract: Basic Mathematics I, Curriculum Guide


That's what I'm going for but for the Pre-algebra.

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