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Best dictionary of literary terms?


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I have the MH Abrams book (albeit a much older, likely outdated version), but I'm hoping to find something that's aimed at a slightly younger crowd. Do they even make such a thing for the middle grades? If not, is there one for high school students that's especially clear and readable?


I basically just want to have something on hand as I discuss books and poems with my oldest next year. I'm not going to hand it to him to read, but I want to start introducing some terms and concepts to him, so I'd like a reference where we can go together to get information (and just something that would be a good book to have around all through high school).


Any favorites? TIA!

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is a wonderful teacher resource that includes very helpful socratic discussion tips for many genre of literature, definitions for literary terms, and information on discussing story elements. It's been one of my best finds for literary analysis.


This coming year, my dd (6th) will be using Figuratively Speaking: Using Classic Literature to Teach 40 Literary Terms. Combined with CC, I think we'll have good coverage of basic literary analysis for our middle school years. FS is designed for grades 5-8 and is available at Rainbow Resource.




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