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Does anyone else set goals/objectives for the school year with your kiddos?

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Last year I sat down before school started and wrote down my goals (and the objectives necessary to achieve them) for each subject we did in school. It was so helpful to me, but I noticed that by the end of the year, somehow we had all switched to the "we're just trying to get this stuff done" mentality. I am wondering about doing things differently this year and having my children make those goals and objectives with me so they are more invested (they do have some say in the curriculum and we do a lot of research into learning styles so we find things that are a good fit). It wouldn't be anything legalistic. Our goal might be to expand our vocabulary and our goals might be to use vocabulary cartoons books, work through VFCR, circle words we haven't seen before in our reading and look them up after we're finished reading, etc. I thought about posting the goals/objectives at our desks to keep us focused on *why* we do all this stuff.


Has anyone else approached school like this and what advice would you offer?



Julie in MO

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TJE (Thomas Jefferson Education) seems to hold to this. I think it really depends on the age and/or maturity of your kids as to how invested they would be. My dd could care less, so I set the goals and move on. And really, what I was reading in the TJE Companion was a little too relaxed for me. (If your dc wants to do spelling, ask them how much, how many days a week, etc., help them set their goals. Fine for a high schooler, not an elementary student who would rather skip spelling altogether, lol.) So the more you open up to their input, the more you have to be willing to flex if you don't like what they say. You might do better, with younger dc, to put it as a choice between two acceptable options. I've done that before, and that's good.


As far as keeping on track with your goals, the trick is to have periodic reassessments. I divide the year into terms: Fall Semester, 2nd semester, May Term, and Summer. I have goals for each term (this much of the math book, that sort of thing) and overall goals for the year (usually more philosophical, maturational type stuff). As one term ends, I look back to see if I have accomplished my goals, and set my goals for the next term. I also use that chance to reread applicable chapters in WTM to see if I'm on-track with skill acquisition or if I have missed some things. That way I can readjust and move forward. It's also a chance to fix things that aren't working with our schedule or overall approach.


That's the way I've always done it. And yes, you want to write out those goals, both the philosophical goals and the academic steps. These days I find myself with sheets of computer paper that say Option, haha. So it's Option A for 5th grade, Option B for 5th grade... I have a thick folder on my desk of my research, then I just let it congeal down into a plan. For skill acquisition, I read WTM and take notes. That paper stays in WTM, so I don't lose it. :)

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Dd will be in 4th grade next year, and she & I started discussing goals in a loose sort of way. THere are certain things that are non-negotiable, but I do try to let her see my thought processes behind them. My hope is that each year she'll contribute more and more to the process.


My ds has no input, unless it's additive. ;)

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