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I do not think my son is gifted in math but is very bright and intuitive when it comes to math. My son is more advanced in the way of reading and grammar. We started homeschooling in 4th grade and have been using Singapore Math. I have been thinking when PM ends I wanted to go into NEM 1 but then I saw LOF. LOF goes through the ps way of having algebra, geometry, etc.. My son says he never wants to go back to ps that homeschooling is better for him. However I wonder if in high school he will beg to get away from me. lol. I am wondering if LOF becasue it has a story would stick better even though he has loved PM. We first tried Saxon because all the local homeschoolers here praise it but my son cried not to have to do all those problems that he already knew and I couldn't figure out how to skip around so that is why we tried PM. NEM has a proven track record which I like and seems very rigorous which I also like. Is LOF just as rigorous? Anyway, if you have an intuitive child which would you put them in? Next year we will have to finish up PM 6 before starting either and he will be 6th grade. I have a prealgebra workbook that I am going to use with him before starting either program. I don't think he will need a full prealgebra program and I feel very confident teaching algebra.

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I've been going through the same decision recently. You might want to check out this thread for more discussion:



I've decided to do both Life of Fred and NEM. That is what we've been doing for the last year or so- switching back and forth between Life of Fred and Singapore Primary Math.


I really don't know how Life of Fred compares to NEM in rigor. My feeling, from reading about both of them, is that they are very different. I think if you go with just Life of Fred, you definitely need the home companion, or whatever it is called, to add additional practice.


Hope this helps.

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We're considering doing both NEM & LoF Algebra 1, although we have so many Algebra 1 books it sometimes seems crazy to buy both. We could augment LoF with something else we already have if I feel there is a need to. The old plan was NEM, but given my dd's vs learning style & personality, I think if I have to choose, it has to be LoF.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a intuitive child who is stronger in language arts. She has done most of Singapore, but definitely prefers LOF. It fits her learning style perfectly. Right now, I am considering using both NEM and LOF for algebra, but if I have to choose one, it will be LOF.


Since your son is in SM6, you could get the first two LOF books (Fractions and Decimals) as supplements to try them out now.

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Since your son is in SM6, you could get the first two LOF books (Fractions and Decimals) as supplements to try them out now.

I was going to say that, OR that you could go on the site and see the samples/read about it and see what you and your ds think. And yes, you should get the Home companions!


My ds15 did okay with math, but once we started LoF last year, he really enjoyed math which made it easier to do better! Well, actually he did the Beginning Algebra through the summer and first part of the school year, then the Advanced Algebra the rest of the year. DD did the first two LoF books (along with some Singapore and R&S math) last year in 6th grade. She needed the extra practice/base. She did TT pre-Algebra in 5th. She loves LoF as well. She'll be doing LoF Beginning Algebra with the Home Companion (and CLE Math as a supplement), and DS will be doing LoF Geometry, which, sadly, doesn't have a Home Companion. He won't use a supplement.


So, I say do both! They come at the math from such different angles, that the kids seem to learn things better!

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