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What pre-calc would you use for a math student who has been in tears since K in math

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but wants to be a nurse or teacher and actually does 'okay' in math after some practice....


She has done Alg 1 in 9th; Alg 2 in 10th; Geometry in 11th. I think our goal is for her to be introduced to higher math/precalculus concepts before tackling said subject in college. [if our goal is missing the mark, please let us know.]


I am mathy, and capable of 'helping' but not totally teaching due to time issue as I am hsing 5 kids. So we will be doing something with a video component. I am considering BJU DVDs, Chalkdust PreCalc or TT PreCalc. [i'm not a TT fan as we tried Alg. 2 with TT and I ended up holding her hand just as much as ever. She doesn't want to do BJU DVDs again but this year's BJU Geom has been the best year so far in terms of her learning independently.]


Ok, thanks for any feedback.


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Have you considered Math-U-See? We were really pleased with their Pre-Calculus. This comes with a DVD and the explanations are excellent. Math-U-See also gives excellent support via phone or internet if you get stumped on a problem. We did called for help twice during Pre-Calculus and they promptly returned our call with wonderful help.

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Does she have any idea of where she will likely end up going to college? If so, I'd recommend checking what their math requirements are for each of the two majors that she is interested in. Does the nursing degree require more intensive math than the teaching degree? With more information, you and she might be able to plan accordingly.




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My vote, BJU, it is easier, lots of algebra review, and it moves slowly (was too slow for us, but tons of explanation). Just realize it is easier, I do know two kids that took calculus fine after it, but my son didn't do well in college calc. after it.

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