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We've reached a milestone as parents. Today I am the mother of a teenager!

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My dd turned 13 today and her brother will turn 13 next month. I know people always say time flies but it is unbelievable how true that is. I love my kids at this age. I love to talk with them. I love homeschooling them. I love seeing how they're growing into nice (I know that sounds corny) people.


But I'm sad at the reality that all too soon they'll be grown up. Truthfully, although I do not live my life through my kids (well okay maybe the Latin is more for me than them lol!) I can't yet imagine what life will have in store for me during the empty nest era.


I guess I'll enjoy each day.

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:party:Congratulations Rose! My second dd turned 13 last week. It's a wild ride, never a dull moment. I can't wait to see what happens next.


Time goes by way too fast, enjoy your evolving role!


I am really having a great time as my daughters' confidant. Not every day is a bed of roses, but I have great kids too!:D

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I am really having a great time as my daughters' confidant. Not every day is a bed of roses, but I have great kids too!:D


I surely didn't mean to imply that I'm never pulling my hair out! :001_smile: It's a journey that's for sure. I guess I realized today how easy it is to see all their faults when in reality they're people just like us . . . good traits and not so good. We've got a long way to go but I'm seeing a lot of progress in many areas of their lives.

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My dd turned 13 today and her brother will turn 13 next month. I know people always say time flies but it is unbelievable how true that is. I love my kids at this age. I love to talk with them. I love homeschooling them. I love seeing how they're growing into nice (I know that sounds corny) people.


But I'm sad at the reality that all too soon they'll be grown up. Truthfully, although I do not live my life through my kids (well okay maybe the Latin is more for me than them lol!) I can't yet imagine what life will have in store for me during the empty nest era.


I guess I'll enjoy each day.



Oh that is beautiful!! Not corny at all! :grouphug: :) I'm behind you by one year. I can't believe how quickly the time goes.

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