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Is it easier to Beef Up SL or Lighten it up?


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I'm wanting to do SL American History with my 8 and 10 yr. olds next year. My dilemma is that while they are only 1 1/2 yrs. apart they are academically much further apart. My oldest is academically at or ahead for her age and my 9 yr. old is academically a bit behind for her age. So, if I were looking to us SL, would I be best to do SL3 (would it be challengin enough for my eldest) or should I do SL3+4 and add some easier readers for my youngest? Looking at reading, while she could likely read some of the easier SL 3 readers, her reading level is probably more close to LA2 with shorter chapter books. I was thinking to have her do the History/Geography with us and then give her her own LA 2 readers and maybe add a few SL history books that were on the easier side.


While that might work, I'm worried the History/Geograhy readings might be a bit over her head so I was wondering if I should use an easier spine for her such as First American History or something like that.


Any advice?




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I am planning on starting with SL this fall, so I've been spending a lot of time researching, but I haven't actually used it yet. So you can take my advice FWIW. For me, the idea of omitting material and lightening it up is a lot easier than trying to find and add in new stuff. But, when you look at the SL website, Core 3 is appropriate for a 10 yo, so you may not need to beef it up for her. If I were in your situation I'd go ahead and get core 3 w/advanced readers for your 10 yo, then get Level 2 intermediate readers for your 9 yo. THe readers won't line up with history for your 9yo, but that's really not the end of the world. You may be able to work with her and bring her up to speed so that she can be using the regular readers that match her core by next year. Good luck with choosing!

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Core 3 would be fine for your oldest. I don't believe I would do 3+4 unless you needed to do it all in one year. There are some relatively simple readers in the reader program that your younger could do on her own- The Bears on Hemlock Mtn. comes to mind. There are some challenging ones as well. The advanced readers are no harder, just more books then the regular readers. The Landmark History of the American People is a lot to digest, I'm not sure I'd want to do it at the pace of 3+4 with any child!

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I'm wanting to do SL American History with my 8 and 10 yr. olds next year. My dilemma is that while they are only 1 1/2 yrs. apart they are academically much further apart. My oldest is academically at or ahead for her age and my 9 yr. old is academically a bit behind for her age. So, if I were looking to us SL, would I be best to do SL3 (would it be challengin enough for my eldest) or should I do SL3+4 and add some easier readers for my youngest? Looking at reading, while she could likely read some of the easier SL 3 readers, her reading level is probably more close to LA2 with shorter chapter books. I was thinking to have her do the History/Geography with us and then give her her own LA 2 readers and maybe add a few SL history books that were on the easier side.


While that might work, I'm worried the History/Geograhy readings might be a bit over her head so I was wondering if I should use an easier spine for her such as First American History or something like that.


Any advice?







The Core 3 spine, Landmark History of the American People is listed as a read aloud for grades 5 to adult in the SL catalog, so I am sure it will work great for your 10yo. It will probably loose your 8yo, but they do have two spines to the program. The second is Story of the USA, which is more of a workbook/informational text, which will probably work great for your 8yo. Betsy Maestro also publishes a lot of great texts for younger kids, then you have the whole If you lived...series.


I honestly would look at doing Core 3:


2009 Core 3 (8, 10)

2010 Core 4 (9, 11)

2011 Core 5 (10, 12)

2012 Core 6 (11, 13)

2013 Core 7 (12, 14)

2014 Core 100 (13, 15)

2015 Core 200 (14, 16)

2016 Core 300 (15, 17) Add a government program for your 17yo.

2017 Core 400 (16)

2018 Core 530 (17)




2009 Core 3+4 (8, 10)

2010 Core 5 (9, 11)

2011 Core 6 (10, 12)

2012 Core 7 (11, 13)

2013 Core 3+4 (12); Core 100 (14)

2014 Core 5 (13); Core 200 (15)

2015 Core 7Alt (14); Core 300 (16)

2016 Core 100 (15); Core 400 (17)

2017 Core 200 (16)

2018 Core 300 (17) Add a government program.


I think you could make either work, but the lower core would probably be easier.




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I'm wanting to do SL American History with my 8 and 10 yr. olds next year. My dilemma is that while they are only 1 1/2 yrs. apart they are academically much further apart. My oldest is academically at or ahead for her age and my 9 yr. old is academically a bit behind for her age. Shannon


I have 2 ( 10yod dd + 9yod ds)that are 16 months apart making them only 1 year apart school wise but, academically they are more like 3 years apart.


I decided on SL 3 for this year even though my oldest read 1/2 of the books. I'm happy I decided to do this, because I can always add (and I already have added) some readers, this was easy to do. I figured this would be a good time to start her with General Science because History will be a lighter load for her. She will be starting her first real textbook and I will spend time teaching her how to outline her textbook. The nice thing about History is that it doesn't have to be challenging, it can be just fun:)


For Geography, I decided to enlarge the maps ( I picked some of the more important ones) for my 9 yod, instead of having him do them ALL. I will add in the Liberty Kids videos for him.


So in short, I vote for SL 3:)

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I'm wanting to do SL American History with my 8 and 10 yr. olds next year. My dilemma is that while they are only 1 1/2 yrs. apart they are academically much further apart. My oldest is academically at or ahead for her age and my 9 yr. old is academically a bit behind for her age. So, if I were looking to us SL, would I be best to do SL3 (would it be challengin enough for my eldest) or should I do SL3+4 and add some easier readers for my youngest? Looking at reading, while she could likely read some of the easier SL 3 readers, her reading level is probably more close to LA2 with shorter chapter books. I was thinking to have her do the History/Geography with us and then give her her own LA 2 readers and maybe add a few SL history books that were on the easier side.


While that might work, I'm worried the History/Geograhy readings might be a bit over her head so I was wondering if I should use an easier spine for her such as First American History or something like that.


Any advice?





Ditto to using Core 3. I wouldn't put either one of them in 3+4 with your description.To answer your other question, I have found it is easier to beef up Sonlight cores than make them lighter. Core 3 is a fantastic one to beef up because the library is literally full of American History readers. While the younger child was doing the easier readers you could pick out any number of harder readers for the other child. We enjoyed the Landmark book, and since it is designed for the parent to read aloud, I think you'll be fine as far as the spines. The Story of the USA as the other poster mentioned is very easy and would work for your youngest child.

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