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Help -- Lyme disease?

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My daughter has a bulls-eye rash on the back of her leg, and I'm pretty certain it's Lyme disease. What do I do now? If the doctor gives her an antibiotic, will she still have Lyme disease symptoms on and off her whole life? Is there anything we should do to protect our kids better in the future? I know the guidelines say to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, but it's too hot to do that all summer. :sad:



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Mine's being treated for it, too. Take the antibiotics to kill the bacteria. My dr said a reliable test can't usually be done until approx 6 weeks after the symptoms or the bite (whichever, I forget), so he treats right away.


I spray my dd now, and she stays out of long grass and the woods--we also treat the dog, as he brings in a lot of ticks. And I sweep my wood floors more regularly because we've seen ticks that have fallen off him on the floor. (Ewww.)


One more thing--if your dr won't give doxycyline because of your dd's age (not sure how old she is) she might get Ceftin. It tastes barfy. It coats the mouth and throat as a liquid, so try to get pills, if your dd can take them. Also you can use yogurt right after taking the liquid and that seems to help get the taste out.

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How long did you take antibiotics? I know that the length matters, right? My cousin got it and his DR didn't give him the correct number of doses/days. That's the only thing that I would make extra sure of...and I'd want to start today...


Edited by NayfiesMama
(and I'd test, first, but not wait for the results...
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