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How long do nestlings stay in the nest?

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We apparently have a bird's nest in our bathroom exhaust pipe and it sounds like eggs may have hatched yesterday. The babies are making a ton of noise. We would like to just leave them alone and let them leave on their own. We are just wondering approximately how long this will be.


And can I just say how thankful I am that it was birds squealing instead of my air conditioning unit just outside the bathroom as I has orginally thought? :)

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Length of time in the nest depends on species. What kind of birds are they?




I don't know because I can't actually see them. I have seen the mother briefly as she was lifting the door to go inside the vent. She is a small brown bird with no special markings. We live in middle Tenn. My guess is a House Sparrow.

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Sparrows stay a couple of weeks. They like to nest in one of my husband's old fire helmets in the garage. The babies are adorable when they fledge, with their little frowny looking beaks and crazy stick-out feathers on their heads. They look like tiny, grumpy old men. They also don't seem to get that landing on vertical surfaces is an "advanced" skill, so they spend a lot of time trying to land on things like the side of our trash can, with much sliding and a great flurry of wings. :D

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Sparrows stay a couple of weeks. They like to nest in one of my husband's old fire helmets in the garage. The babies are adorable when they fledge, with their little frowny looking beaks and crazy stick-out feathers on their heads. They look like tiny, grumpy old men. They also don't seem to get that landing on vertical surfaces is an "advanced" skill, so they spend a lot of time trying to land on things like the side of our trash can, with much sliding and a great flurry of wings. :D



Oh my goodness, how are they ever going to manage to learn to open a hatch to fly in and out of the exhaust pipe? The mothers do it quickly, easily and without hesitation but certainly that is going much more difficult for babies just learning to fly and land. I guess this will be interesting.

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