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Trying to find a bed we both can sleep in....

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My husband has a bad back and cannot sleep on the bed we currently have. It has been about 2 years since we slept together in our room! We were thinking about getting an airbed but they are soooo expensive. The next option is a latex bed (?????) Has anyone heard of this? What do you think of it? We are both getting desperate to find something! Any other suggestions?

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I know what you're going through. We're happy now with two different twin-sized mattresses on a king-size frame. He tried everything until he found a system that worked for him. We couldn't afford an entire queen- or king-sized mattress that was good for his back, so this has been a great compromise. It turned out to work even better for us, because it allows his mattress to be elevated a bit. He has, I think, a memory foam mattress and uses foam wedges under his knees.


Anyway, good luck. It took us a long time to figure something out.

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2 xlong twins would be a good idea on a king frame. In fact we slept that way for a long time in our early years. We couldn't afford a king and we don't like sleeping in anything smaller.


You had a foam pad over the bed and hardly noticed they were 2 seperate beds.

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One of the best things that happened during Katrina was the ruining of our bed. We were able to scrimp on other stuff so that we could afford a Sleep Number bed. It is WONDERFUL!!!!! My side is soft, soft, soft and his is about medium firm. So what if we could only afford one bedroom end table and a mostly particleboard dresser. We have a magic bed!:lol:

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I had horrible back pain for 14 years, and we bought a comforpedic mystere a couple of years ago. It is amazing! I wake up pain free now!! Comforpedic has a latex core, surrounded by memory foam. They are very expensive though (we paid about $3600 for a king). We also did the seperate twin mattresses for awhile, and that did help. If you can't afford a comforpedic, I would look into a temperpedic for your dh, and whatever you like, and go w/ the two twins. hth

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