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A good pick-up-and-go Bible study to do with the 12 and 10 yr olds in the evening...

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I thought I would do the Chuck Swindoll "David: Man of...." study, but I'm rethinking that decision. The chapters seem a little long. This is for my Dh, older sons, and I to do in the evening. I don't particularly want a study that we need to prep for. I just want a read, look up verses, discuss, repeat type o' thang.


I don't think I'm explaining myself very well, but I'm often amazed at how well some of you read my mind. :D If you could only hear what I hear next to me you would understand my distraction.....





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It's exactly what you describe.


From Concordia Publishing House. If I were you, I would get the 5th or 6th grade one. You'll want either a student book for each of you, and maybe one of their inexpensive memory work books to share, or a TE for the parents and student workbooks for the kids (the student workbooks are replicated in the TE, but with the answers written in.)


This curriculum will send you all over the Bible, relating the rest of the Bible to whatever story you are focussing on that day, and providing discussion questions as well as comprehension/interpretation/application material.


It's written for use in schools but has been outstanding in homeschooling my DD. It's plenty meaty, I think it is intended to be used 3-4 times per week throughout a school year.

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I'm going through Balancing the Sword with dd10 and ds12 right now. They read one chapter in the Bible and then I ask them the questions. There are only about 4 or 5 questions for each chapter and the answers are taken right from scripture. We always end up having a discussion about other things in the chapter, too, though because something interesting always pops out at us. It is so easy, so pick up and go - no prep.

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Okay. This helps me to clarify.


We read the Bible together as a family every morning. I guess I'm really looking for a topical study. It could study a person, or a character quality, etc. We want something short and light, but not just a devotional. Clear as mud?




Hoping the mind meld continues....



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