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Do HS graduates still take off one year and travel thru Europe??

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My son's going, but only for 3 weeks, not for a year. We're trying to expand his older brother's horizons, and at the same time, give the younger one an opportunity to see Europe as a tourist. The younger one has been a few times before, but not to play. He can show the older one how to get around. We hope. I'm trying not to think about it too much LOL. We just gave them a guide and said we'd buy them flights and Eurail passes and we've left the rest to them. They each have a friend they want to visit.


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I think it would be an excellent idea; it would greatly enlarge your child's horizons. We had the privilege of taking our kids with us on a semester abroad (my dh is a college professor) in Europe. It changed their lives. They actually got to see and experience first hand the things they had read about in books. My daughter is now in college and is courting a young man whose parents sent him on a one year mission trip in France prior to heading to college. Not only has it enriched his life, but he is now more mature and ready for college. So, I say go for it!!

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My nephew travelled Europe for a month during the summer of his freshman year. I thought it was an awesome thing to do.


I was just looking at a book about taking a trip around the world. Sounds so wonderful. I wish I had thought to do something like that when I was young and unencumbered. Now the best I can hope is to do it when I'm old and flush with cash! :D

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I never knew anyone who went to Europe after high school, and I graduated in 1969. :-)


I'm 10 yrs younger & the same applies.:D It depends on your finances, which didn't allow for a semester abroad much less a year of touristing.

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