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BattleStar fan? Been so long, you can't even remember who's a toaster?...

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Sometime in April. Argh. And then, I hear, that after the next run of episodes, the FINAL episodes might not run until 2009?


It's just insane!


Wow, talk about dragging it out!! I think they are taking advantage of the late writer's strike and the fact this is the last season. Those of us who are "core" will watch it whenever they put it out. How IRRITATING! :)


Glad to know I am not the only one with Abbey watching! :)

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I thought I remembered a show by that name from the 1970's, but that would be a Really long time ago. And I don't remember anyone being a toaster. My dh was thrilled recently to see that a show from the 1980s about a talking car was resurrected. What next?


Yes, lol, there was a Battlestar Galactica in the late 70s... This one started with a mini series (in 2003? 2004?) and was followed by three television seasons. In the fall there was a second mini series, and the fourth season is about to come back.


A "toaster" is a derogatory term for the Cylons -- machines who are almost indistinguishable from humans. ;)


It's a great series to watch on dvd...

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Sometime in April. Argh. And then, I hear, that after the next run of episodes, the FINAL episodes might not run until 2009?


It's just insane!


I was a hardcore fan until they started messing around with the air date of the final season, months before there was a writers' guild strike. Grrrrrrr.


Without giving away spoilers, I hated how the most recent series ended with the final four of five. What???????


Now I'm hearing TPTB are still toying with finishing the series in 2009.


What I'm planning on doing is just asking my friends for a recap when it's all over. I do want to know, but I am really considering not watching it EVER again because they made me wait what... 2 YEARS? Grrr.


This kinda stuff is what makes a scifi gal crazy.

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Yes, lol, there was a Battlestar Galactica in the late 70s... This one started with a mini series (in 2003? 2004?) and was followed by three television seasons. In the fall there was a second mini series, and the fourth season is about to come back.


A "toaster" is a derogatory term for the Cylons -- machines who are almost indistinguishable from humans. ;)


It's a great series to watch on dvd...


Thanks Abbeyej! It has been a few years since I've watched much t.v. (though I Have watched since the '70s!). I think my ds would have loved that old BG, if it was as "campy" as I remember, but the new version looks a little heavy on the "romance" for a 9 yr old (though ds certainly wouldn't object!).

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Thanks Abbeyej! It has been a few years since I've watched much t.v. (though I Have watched since the '70s!). I think my ds would have loved that old BG, if it was as "campy" as I remember, but the new version looks a little heavy on the "romance" for a 9 yr old (though ds certainly wouldn't object!).


No, it is most definitely not for children. :)

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... but the new version looks a little heavy on the "romance" for a 9 yr old (though ds certainly wouldn't object!).


Yeah, I think it's a great show -- but definitely for grown-ups, not kids. It's not even just the romance (though there are some fairly, um, clear scenes), but the over-all heaviness / depth of the subject matter. For parents who don't mind their older teens seeing the romance stuff, I'm sure it could be fodder for great conversations about politics, power, ethical dilemmas, etc... But not for younger kids.

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