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Just wanted to share my kids blessing!

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My husbands aunt and her husband came to visit last weekend manily because my MIL was here from Arizona enroute to Alaska. It was nice to see them, we just don't get a chance to see them much. The husband is very kind and a few months ago he mailed the boys a box from Dubai. After they left our house the called and asked if we could stop by this week because the had two gifts for the boys. Well low and behold they went out and purchased a new computer and a telescope! I was so shocked. They said they did it because they can tell the boys love to learn and they wanted to be a part of it!

We are so thankful for this blessing!:lol:

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My husbands aunt and her husband came to visit last weekend manily because my MIL was here from Arizona enroute to Alaska. It was nice to see them, we just don't get a chance to see them much. The husband is very kind and a few months ago he mailed the boys a box from Dubai. After they left our house the called and asked if we could stop by this week because the had two gifts for the boys. Well low and behold they went out and purchased a new computer and a telescope! I was so shocked. They said they did it because they can tell the boys love to learn and they wanted to be a part of it!

We are so thankful for this blessing!:lol:



Oh that is so AWESOME!!! What a great story!! Thank you so much for sharing your blessing. :)

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