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Everything posted by HeProvides

  1. I am part of a CC group and I love the content. It is impressive to hear your 5 year old singing songs about Charlegme or leaders of the great wars. My only problem with the program is that I wish they had a curriculum package that went along with the material to allow more indepth knowledge about the memorized items.
  2. I am an Occupational Therapist and have worked in the schools with a lot of children with fine motor deficits. The benefit of thick pencils is that it does not allow the web space between the thumb and first finger to close (as tightly in some cases). Some kids will still have no web space showing and this is a good indicator that this type of pencil is not beneficial. You want your child to have a bent thumb, pointer finger should point to the tip of the pencil and "tall man" should support pencil on underside. This may be confusing and overwhelming but an easy way to get this grasp is to have a child pick up a pencil/crayon with the pads of his thumb and index finger. You can then turn the pencil so it rests where the thumb and first finger join. Make sure the pencil does not shift away from the pads of the thumb and index finger. Pencil Grips can be beneficial to maintain a correct grip. Hope this helps.
  3. My dd is 7 and I had thought she was gifted for the last 3 years. However recently, she has started to pick things up at a slower pace and the "light bulb" doesnt seem to come on very fast. It's funny how things change.
  4. My kindergartner has just finished the first Saxon 1 book and is working on the second Saxon 1 book. He is doing just fine but gets overwhelmed with all the writing.
  5. My mom could. She has a tupperware container that fits perfectly in the front of the shopping cart and it is organized with coupons. It's too hard cutting, organizing, and finding the coupons especially when the kids are always there. My mom could ...I only wish I could too.
  6. I got a book from the library with drawings done by children. The child's age was posted next to each picture. It really inspired my 7 year old daughter to try harder with her drawing. It did nothing for my 5 ds. Good luck
  7. I am joining Classical Conversations this year with dd 7 and ds 5. I'm worried I might be overdoing everything as we are planning on doing Prima Latina, Saxon Math, Shurley Grammar, CC, All About Spelling, and Kono's Africa. I would also like to fit in a bible study but haven't picked one out. Is this possible or just crazy??? Lori
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