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Posts posted by lanalouwho

  1. We did speech, paid library fines, park day, lunch, groceries. I finally admitted to myself that I will not consistently work out without the accountability of a class, and joined the YMCA. I wanted to avoid shelling out the money, but since I've worked out exactly once this month, I figured it was time. I also got the info for spring soccer. They started offering a karate class as well, which is both cheaper and closer than our former karate class.


    I have hit my step goal for 8 days straight, and therefore raised it by 500 steps. Hooray consistency!


    I've also been doing better on my daily routines. I have not done them all every day, but each item is getting done about 3-4 times a week. So yay progress!


    I'm tired. I want to nap.


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  2. I used to keep a book pinned under my leg at school, and sit just so. It looked like I was looking at the work on my desk, but I was reading. I slipped up and read when I was supposed to be listening (man, that teacher was boring!) and got busted. That trick lasted all of 4th grade and most of 5th, though.

    I remember one time in 4th grade, we were having silent reading time. I was very into my book. After a while I looked up and the entire class had moved on and done 2 whole subjects without me noticing.


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  3. ((Jean))


    I have been lurking today, but I don't really have anything to say.

    I cleaned. I planned school. Captain Mal is drama and the dogs are annoying me. Weapon X is once again on a screen ban, so effectively the rest of us are too.


    I miss my husband.




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  4. Happy weekend, fabulous people! Today is warmer (43*!) but muddy. I am finally keeping my head up without so much effort, and looking at the beautiful. There's an awful lot of beautiful, isn't there?


    Starting with coffee.


    Planning post! Avert your eyes! Reported!


    The hanging file thread got me thinking about how I plan. We've been winging it, which works okay but carries a lot of stress fatigue. I tried the file filder system, and took a few things from it that I liked, but it was too...I don't know. Just too. There wasn't the flexibility I needed, and I just don't have time to put all that work into the front end, so it ended up being another thing I was behind in. I seem to deal in all or nothing when it comes to planning (though I'm not really like that in other areas), but it's not working for me. So I'm going to try thoroughly planning, preparing, and making photocopies for one week at a time. I'm going to build it into the time I have set aside for food prep and whatnot on Saturday/Sunday, when DH has agreed to be responsible for little people. I think I can be prepped in about an hour, including making sure I have all the supplies I need and making a checklist.


    What's your favorite way to plan?

    I make a master list of assignments for each subject for the whole year up front. Then each week I just plug in the next assignments into a checklist, print what needs printing, gather supplies, etc. Sometimes we decide we want to learn a skill or something that's not on my list. In that case, I press pause on the master list until we learn whatever it is, then just pick up where we left off.



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  5. Weirdness of the day. I was on a message board with another group of moms around a fairly specific interest splintering off from a much larger group. It got kind of ugly between three members in particular, IIRC around dog training methods and vegetarianism and pets and so on. If you are a liberal and have a dog and are a vegetarianism you know how this goes.


    Anyway, dropped off, but now my kid is in the class with the kid of another mom from that group! I really liked her. She was nice. However, when I reached out and said they should come over, play, etc. she didn't reply. :[ I reached out twice. I know she had social anxiety so I don't want to bug her. However, online she was an insightful, funny person. And we are like... really close neighbors. And our kids are in the same class and the same girl scout troop. And I volunteer in the class and at the school so... I feel awkward but I want to make it not awkward for her. Just like "hey man, on that message board in which we split off because we were such a minority, crazy days eh, now that the kids are older the cloth diaper dilemma seems a million miles away doesn't it? Your daughter is so beautiful and smart in class!"


    But the mom like NEVER talks.


    Again, social anxiety. I get it. Well not really, but I mean I want to get it or at least, I try to be mindful.



    I have pretty severe social anxiety. The best friends I have ever had are ones that just kept coming to me, talking to me, regardless of how awkward I was. I try to be friendly and polite, but I never know what to say. Then I open my mouth and make things weird. Eventually, I open up and can hold a semi-normal conversation, but it takes a steady stream of continued interaction to get to that point.


    So just keep talking to her, even if it's awkward. Be prepared to carry the conversation until she's ready.


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  6. Planning for 2ND grade bores me, mostly because it's all just continuing what we're doing.


    Math: Continue with Shiller. I'm picking up Beast Academy 2a just to see if we (he) like(s) it. Play Prodigy for practice and review.


    Language Arts: He's (finally) making real progress with phonics, so we will move into the intermediate and advanced levels of Progressive Phonics. Lots of easy readers from the library. Starting grammar (maybe KISS?) once I feel he's ready.


    History, Literature, Poetry, Art: Build Your Library level 2. We are still way off track with level 1, but are working through it at our own pace. It may be Novemberish before we actually start 2. #blameharvey


    Science: Continue BFSU paired with Crash Course Kids. Veer off on tangents to do kits, pursue interests, etc. We might do some of the BYL science stuff too. We like science.


    Continue once a week speech therapy.


    Add something physical since we stopped going to karate.


    Add piano?


    Continue ASL, except be more consistent.


    He loves computer coding, so we will continue to work that into our other coursework. We were going to add in robotics this month, but it was cancelled due to low enrollment. Maybe it will be available next year. If not, I might get something we can do at home.


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  7. I am so frustrated with the celiac clinic thinking that we are doing gluten free wrong or are cheating just because we are still having problems. I KNOW that people with celiac can still have rashes etc. even with strict gluten free eating. We read labels obsessively and don't even buy things that are "made in the same facility as. . .". . We have a totally gluten free kitchen. I cook most of our own foods. We only get certified gluten free foods and while I know that there have been issues with that at times with companies, is it that wide spread? I know that we are more careful than the nutritionist even told us to be.

    I assume that they think you are doing gluten free wrong because it is a very hard thing to do right.


    I hope you are able to determine the cause and cure her ills.


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  8. We have a new system where before or immediately after breakfast John does his independent work. This gives me time to do my housework and deal with Babiness and his brain a chance to rest before we move on to more involved studies. So something like independent work > breakfast and morning time > walk > memory work > chores > seatwork.

    There is not much he does independently (as far as school work). He does make breakfast while I tend to the animals, which makes my morning easier. But I'm fairly useless until at least my second cuppa, so we tend to start late.


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  9. Whew, that was crazy. Mondays my FIL volunteers at a local Thrift shop till a little after noon. MIL spends the morning with us. So, we’re just doing our thing at 10:30AM and all the sudden DS says, “here’s grandpaâ€and I’m like, “no, why would Grandpa be here†and I looked and .... here’s Grandpa looking a little flustered. Apparently another volunteer was coughing and hacking really bad and FIL, Who is just getting over the flu, left. He got out of there fast. And then he called and talked to the supervisor and told them the situation and that they needed to get that guy to the doctor. Why don’t people stay home if they’re sick??

    Last week, my SIL called in to work healthy. The owner and 2 of the ladies who work there were sick.


    It really should be the other way around.


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  10. I don't like mushrooms. I think they taste like fungus. 


    The disobedient doggies stole the porkchops that I was thawing on the counter. I almost cried, but I didn't have time because I had to figure out something else for dinner. I made a ground beef with broccoli and rice concoction and topped it with cheese. It was pretty tasty, albeit simple. 


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