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Deb in NJ

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Posts posted by Deb in NJ

  1. It's so crazy. She was FINE taking the PSAT as a sophomore, doesn't seem to be dreading taking it in the fall, but when I mention signing her up for an AP class, her face turns to stone.


    There are free real (old) AP tests online at the Collegeboard in any subject. You could go on, print one out, and have her take one at home and get the feel for it.

  2. Thank you for asking. I've been wondering the same thing. :)


    Oldest ds is STEM oriented. I'm really interested in Deb's dd's AP Bio in 9th, AP Chem in 10th, and AP Physics in 11th progression.




    While visiting some of the colleges that my dd is interested in - here are some of the things she is hearing:


    1. Like the fact that she's taken latin from a young age and continued with it.

    2. Like the fact that she can really speak the language she's taken (French).

    3. They like to see that each student takes the most challenging courses for them.

    We visited many of the colleges when she was a rising Jr. They told her that they would like to see Calc and Physics in Jr. year as it makes the student stand out from the rest.


    She's going to take Physics C (both parts) in her Sr. year.



  3. Well I tried to sign up the other day, but have yet to hear back. I just tried again. It could be that I did something wrong.






    Yes, there are still a few glitches since they are just opening it up "live". I think they found you and you should be okay to post now.


    Please check it out and if your still having trouble PM me and I'll have them look into it right away.




  4. I went back to re-read your original post. Why not change out General Science for a Bio science, keeping Physical science (if he is planning on taking Physics later on).


    Then you could do Bio in 9th, Chem 10th, Physics in 11th. That will give him quite a bit for them to see by his Jr. year.


    Another option is to have him work through an Apologia text during summer break. One hour per day early in the day wouldn't hinder summer fun!


    Sometimes looking at the end goal and working backwards is the best thing to do. Helps you to know where you need to focus.


  5. Thank you Deb!


    It is reassuring to hear about your daughter! Her science/AP progression is my ideal...;)

    My impression concerning difficulty of the 3 APs is the same - that Biology, while a huge undertaking, is the one most easily accessible for the younger crowd (9th/10th grade).


    I don't intend to use Apologia for AP prep, but rather as a gentle intro into the subject before the actual AP class (during these next two years...)

    What did your daughter do for 7th and 8th grade?


    Thank you for your help!



    She used General Science (Apologia) for 7th and Physical Science (Apologia) for 8th. Then we jumped right into the AP's for 9th grade. Science is her love -- that makes it so much easier.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!


  6. My dd did AP Bio in 9th and AP Chem in 10th and is doing AP Physics in 11th. She felt that AP Bio was the easiest AP science.


    We didn't use Apologia for the AP's. I researched college texts for the best one. If you go on the College Board website, they have text recommendations there. You can also google AP biology textbooks and get recommendations from that list.


    I have another post that talked about a website that my dd and her friends put together to help support each other during the AP process.


    They just added (at our request) a Mom's section. The website is designed by students for students to support and help each other with AP's. There is also some great information on what worked for them and what didn't.


    When your ready.... come check it out. https://sites.google.com/site/apstudi/home



  7. Hi,


    I think most applications just ask if you have a diploma - they don't ask from where.


    Many of the children in our area (homeschooled) attend the community college when they are Jr. in highschool. It is called dual-enrollment.


    They graduate with their Assoc degree AND their highschool diploma at the same time!


    Check if the community college in your area requires a high school diploma - based on what I said above, I bet they don't.



  8. Angie,


    Thank you so much for checking out the site. I did ask them about Music Theory and one of the teens that started the group did take it.


    If you click on STUDI groups and then the sub-page Social Studies, then there will be a sub page called Music Theory.


    It should be there, if not just let me know.


    It is such a blessing to have the kids be able to support each other during the AP process!



  9. So glad it is working. They are in the process of getting out final glitches... and trying to make it easier to move around the site.


    They did an amazing job considering many didn't have any computer knowledge or web design at all!


    They are open to suggestions - so if you have any, let them know.


    Also, I also became a member in the actual study groups that the teens will be using. I wanted to keep on top of all their questions (maybe it would help me too LOL!)


    Feel free to join the student portions. When I post or answer a question I just put Mrs. W or Mrs. Deb so that they know I'm a mom and not another student.


    Share the information with any homeschooling AP people you may know.



  10. HI!

    how do I post stuff? I went online and registered and received an approval but I can't make a post. My internet is flaking out so maybe it's that.:confused:


    They are going to put up some quick tips on how to maneuver through the website. As it is crunch time for the AP's the next two weeks, they will be putting them up little by little. Right after the AP's they will fill in all the "how to's" so if your having trouble you can go there.


    There is a contact button if you need specific help right away.


    Now, regarding your question about making posts. When you post hit the reply button rather than the reply to author button. Reply to author just goes to the original poster and not onto the thread. Hitting reply makes your comment appear on the thread.


    Try that.... if still having trouble let me know.


    Thank you for joining..... I'm so excited to have someone to walk through Comp Sci with :0)



  11. Just wanted to update this post to let everyone know that the STUDI group just added a Mom's group so that we can discuss AP's more specifically.


    They also just added a Creative Writing Group!


    I posted an introduction on the Mom's Group -- hope you all join!


    I'm really excited as I think there are three of us possibly doing AP Comp Sci next year. I would really like to have a support group to go to.


    We are also doing the following AP's next year:

    AP Comp Sci

    AP Physics C

    AP French

    AP Calc bc


    Stop by and look at the site!



  12. What a great site!!!! Thanks!


    So glad you think so too! They worked hard on it last summer and spent a whole year testing it to make sure they have all the bugs out.


    When I saw that there were three of us interested in doing Comp Sci next year I thought it would be great if they could create a section for Mom's. I know I would love to chat with others who are teaching the same thing - we can use all the encouragement we can get!


    Hoping you'll sign up!



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