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Deb in NJ

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Posts posted by Deb in NJ

  1. We start the day by going out to breakfast. At breakfast everyone gets a copy of their schedule and plans for the year. We discuss what is expected of them and look over the schedule.


    When we come home we have gifts for them: special pens and pencils, new backpack, pads, calendar - all school related fun cute stuff. I'll have a sign that says WELCOME TO (whateve grade they are in). I will have a letter written for each of them talking about the last school year, the summer and what I wish/think/want for their future (mushy stuff).


    Then we look through all our books (it is hard to keep them out before hand).


    Then we make up our binders and get everything all organized.


    We have lunch - sometimes packed into lunch boxes (they request this).


    After lunch we go through each subject lightly.


    We typically start one week after public school starts. Where we used to live our co op would always have a back to school picnic on the day the public schools started. We would picnic, some would bring things to sell (toys and curr.). Then we would play kickball. We would leave the park when the kids got out of school.


    So far all of this has made for good memories.


    Deb in NJ

  2. I live on the east coast. Last night the moon had a sliver showing on the bottom - almost like a smile. You could SEE the whole moon but it was dark except for the smile sliver.


    We had never seen that before - does anyone know what that was?


    Forgive me, if this was a really stupid question :0)



    Deb in NJ

  3. I'm 48 and have been in menopause for about 3 plus years (my youngest daughter is going to turn 5 next month!).


    Perimenopause can last for a long time. That can consist of light periods or skipping periods or two periods in one month.


    But, I would suggest that you see your gyn for a check up. Other things can cause two periods in one month, so it always best to go in for a visit and let them determine the reason.


    As for the headaches. I think everyone has headaches the last few days (I know I have). The weather everywhere is a bit odd. But, in addition to the things your doing to help the headaches I would also add no caffine, no suguar, keeping away from salt and adding B complexes in.


    Hope your headaches feel better soon.

    Deb in NJ

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