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Posts posted by 4Hisglory

  1. We also use Fix it. It took about a year for it to click with both of my kiddos using the program. When it did though, wow! My son is able to catch most of the imbedded errors including homophones and misspelled words. For him, run on sentences were hard for him to identify and he was frequently using them in his writing. I have seen improvement in both since using Fix it. I believe it is available for 2nd- high school. It does not include diagramming.

  2. It has been worth every penny here. I first tried IEW with my oldest Dd as a sophmore in high school. She loved it. We have used TWSS, SWI-C, High school Essay Intensive (excellent prep for the SAT essay) SWI-A and currently SICC-A with my younger dc. My oldest's first year at university is the programs greatest testimonial for me. She uses the key word outline model for all of her papers and reports. It helps her quickly understand what she knows and what she needs to research further. Also, her papers are composed well and it is due to this program. She has been asked if she is a writing major many times. My younger dc are enjoying working through as well. I am glad they are starting younger. The return policy from the company is excellent. I haven't seen anything else like it. Also resale is good if you were to buy used.



    One more thought to add- My daughter always liked to write but this program helped her organize and see her writing in a way that has added to and perfected what she writes. I am seeing the same with my younger two as well.

  3. I read once, I think in Things We Wished We Had Known, a momma was on bed rest in pregnancy. She said that the kids all came into her bedroom snuggled up and they read and read and read. She said it was one of their favorite school years.


    I was pregnant and having morning sickness when my Dd was a sophmore and we were doing a rigorous curriculum. I would have her come into my room and we would read and discuss until the younger 2 woke up.


    I hope you feel better soon, and take good care of yourself. :grouphug:

  4. Teacher Education. That's what these purchases are. No one gets by without teacher education dollars spent. Look at all the things you have learned from these materials about how you do and don't teach, how your kids do and don't learn. And likely you'll be able to pick and choose something from them, even if you don't use them as written or as intended. Next year will be better. You'll still likely have some money spent on Teacher Education. But it will be less :).


    Merry :-)



    :iagree:I love this. I do not like *wasting money* but if I learn something about a teaching style or learning style it adds to, confirms my/our style. And I do love new curriculum and ideas.

  5. I have had this happen to me recently. :sad: It was over something I was confident my son wouldn't do, but I did ask everyone present if they witnessed him do what she accused him of. Even though everyone said they didn't see him do it she insisted he did. Then I did just defend him and part ways with her and her children. It was super stressful. I did realize that she was having a really hard time in her life and we had become her scapegoats so we did pray for them.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for all of you.

  6. I have the old guide, pre-update with color pictures, and it has 2 references in Minn of Mississippi. One that asks you to look up scripture on instinct and one that offers a creationist view of the dinosaurs. There is also one book selection called God's Mountain Man that is recommended for Tree in the Trail but not required. This is in the older edition though.

  7. I will preface by saying, we haven't done the study yet. We are doing it this year though. I just did a google search on the Holling C. Holling books and religious content and a blog post said there is evolutionary content in Minn of Mississippi and not a lot of Bible. My guess is that the books that the study is based on are not religious and if there is religious content in the study guide you can omit it. I hope someone that has read the books chimes in and gives a better evaluation.

  8. Have you had a 15g carb snack before bed and still been 100 on your fasting number? If not I would try it a couple of nights and see if that makes the difference. My last pregnancy I had GD. I followed their diet guidelines and had great numbers. Maybe now isn't the best time for low carb eating plan, instead try a counting carbs plan. And I did have pizza, but I always made sure I knew how much I could have carb wise and stuck to it. Best of health to you and your little one!


    My snack always consisted of protein and carbs = 15g carb snack such as sugar free pudding, crackers and peanut butter, a glass of milk and string cheese, and usually an hour before bed.

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