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Posts posted by 4Hisglory

  1. Looking into WWE and AAS but what do you need exactly? Can we just do a workbook and/or student kit OR do you have to buy the whole curriculum (teacher's manual, workbook, kits, etc)?



    For WWE you need


    this text teaches you the principles of the program and you could do it with just this book if you are wonderfully organized. This is not the workbook but a teaching text. If you need a workbook there are 4 levels to choose from. I am using level 2 with my 9 yo and 8 yo. The student pages are reproducible so that you can use it with more than one student.

  2. My daughter (18 now) was an early reader and not being as wise as you I did not make sure she received adequate phonics instruction which came back on me later when she could pronounce a huge word she had memorized but struggled through sounding out some basic words. She is doing great but let me encourage you to not let up on the phonics instruction. They really do need it no matter how much it seems that they are "getting it".

  3. Have you re-tested him on spelling tests that he has aced? It really could be that he just isn't bringing what he has learned over into his free writing. Teaching Writing Structure and Style philosophy would say that you correct any spelling errors and let writing be writing and spelling be spelling. If you haven't looked into Teaching Writing Structure and Style,it is an excellent program. He is young for their Student Writing Intensives but you as his teacher might find benefit from watching the seminar. I have used it with my high school aged daughter and will use it next year with my son.

  4. My son does the same, he loves to jot down and write stories but frequently misspells words. I think he just hasn't brought his spelling instruction into his free writing yet. We use Phonetic Zoo and he loves it and does it to mastery but still doesn't consider bringing it over yet. Everything that is done for school I make sure his spelling is correct on but I don't make him correct his free writing. I probably should lovingly point it out more often than I do. I'll be interested to hear what other people have to say. :bigear:

  5. I wish I could get the guide to you. It does have Chinese Bible translation and a copy of the Chinese/English Book of John. It also discusses Hudson Taylor and several other missionaries to China. There is also the prayer calender. I don't know how much of a focus there is on evangelism as much as seeing the people as God sees them,understanding their cultural heritage over the centuries. It may be too much,I really don't know. From looking through it I appreciate the focus on the culture and history and I have to say it is apptly named A Heart for You because that really pours through it is definitely packed with Worldview.I wish I had already done it so that I could be of greater help. This is a web link used in the book.



    It is definitely Christian content but interesting.


    I forgot to include that the study takes 36 weeks to complete.



    When are you going?

  6. Another interesting group of books about the Chinese written language are by Huy Voun Lee . I was able to get them at my library. My kids loved them. They break down the Chinese written language by starting with a character and adding to that character to create new words. It is like a logical progression that is easy to understand. You will not walk away conversing in Chinese but will definitely have an understanding and appreciation of their written language.



  7. We're in our 12th year here. Boy that sounds like a long time. I will be graduating my "Guinea Pig" (self-proclaimed) this year and I am looking forward to at least 17 more years as my youngest is 1. Let the adventure continue.....

  8. Always February. It always feels like the drag to get back to it after Christmas really hits its peak in February. For some reason it coincides with me contemplating what I will be using next year and I start looking at the sale boards a lot more. I have noticed the numbers looking at the sale boards go down after school starts and back up now. It hasn't hit me yet this year. It could be because my daughter is graduating and I just have to push through or it could still be coming (Jaws theme plays menacingly in the background.)

  9. My husband ran a pretty high fever with the flu a couple years ago. While we were waiting to be seen by the doctor his fever broke and he was dripping with sweat. It just kept coming and he was constantly having to wipe his face. He did take tylenol and motrin so that was why his fever broke but yes I have seen it. I hope you feel better soon.

  10. I was a single mom when I decided to homeschool. I just didn't want to give my dear daughter to strangers for 8 hours a day.I found jobs where she could be with me at work and we made it work for us. I am so glad I made that choice.We have homeschooled since 1997 and in 2000 I was married and we have added 3 more. My husband had never heard of homeschooling before he met me but totally supported me in it and we continue to homeschool our younger children. We go through highschool. I remember being really intimidated by the thought of homeschooling high school. My first convention was right before my daughters freshman year. I found that there were many curriculum choices available for subject that were not in my ability to teach well. We have done it and it was really good.My daughter will graduate this June and she has been accepted into a good four year college and she LOVES to learn which is so cool and exhausting for me at times. I let her have a lot of say in her high school academics and she always chose to much but she loved it.My younger ones are enjoying homeschooling even more because of the experience I have gained. They still complain about certain subjects and would rather be playing instead of doing school but when we get to it they are invested. One thing that I have changed is less workbooks more interaction and it is making a great difference. More work for me but it is worth it because these times go so fast.

    My daughter also looks forward to homeschooling her own future dear children. She tells me she's already picking out the curriculum that she'll use.

  11. I have heard of the 80 % rule and while thats what they do I like to finish the book if possible. Sometimes not finishing means you miss out on some good stuff. If I need to I will carry stuff over into the next school year so that we can finish.

    I think that the Don't Worry mantra is valid in the context that your children are receiving one on one tutoring rather than having your attention divided between many students. They are always learning something for sure where as some children in the classroom have a tougher time understanding something and can't get the one on one attention until they do .It doesn't mean go to sleep it does mean notice what they are learning and don't stress

  12. I began homeschooling because I couldn't see giving my dear child over to others for 8 hours a day until they turned 18.That is a lot of missed time and memories. I still feel that way today,families were made to be together not fragmented throughout the day to come back together in the evenings. My daughter is graduating this year and the time went as fast as I thought it would.


    I homeschool so that we can be together and learn together

  13. It is also important to check what the college your child desires to go to requires. Our college of choice has a requirements/expectations page for enrollment as an undergraduate for homeschooled students. If they don't address homeschooled students they will probably still have a high school courses expectations page. We are also issuing a diploma so are trying to meet our state graduation requirements. Our state requires 24 credits in specific areas.

  14. I totally understand. My oldest did workbooks and I was seeing that my son needed something else and I just wanted to make myself be more involved. My kids love FLL and I love the poetry memorization too. My son will hear the authors names at random times and recognize them and the poem of theirs that he learned and he always looks so happy about it. My younger daughter listens in and sometimes helps him when he forgets a part and I tell her that she is going to have it easier than her brother because she will have had exposure to the material already. I'll be holding on to it for the next little one. For this age it is the epitome of learning should be fun!(For us at least.) :lol:

  15. We used Worldviews of the Western World 1(10th grade) and 2(11th grade) by David Quine. It was immensely challenging but my daughter says she is very glad that she did them.Other than that we have done


    Total Health by Susan Boe with the Total Health Packet by Basic Skills(11th grade)


    Teaching Textbooks for Algebra II(9th grade) and Geometry(10th grade)


    Chalkdust for College Algebra (12th grade)


    Whatever Happened to Penny Candy by Richard Maybury with guide(12th grade)


    Economic based writing lessons from Institute for Excellence in Writing(12th grade)


    Ancient Civilizations and the Bible by Diana Waring ( 9th grade)


    Apologia Science:Biology(8th),Marine Biology(9th), Human Anatomy(10th),and Chemistry(9th)


    Student Writing Intensive C from Institute for Excellence in Writing(11th grade)


    Math U See for Stewardship Math(11th grade)


    Introductory and Intermediate Logic from Logos School (12th grade)


    Learn to Write the Novel Way by Konos (12th grade)


    Computer Science Pure and Simple 1 and 2 (12th grade)


    Investigating Career Paths by Basic Skills (12th grade)


    Elementary Greek 1 and 2 (9th grade)


    Homeschool Greek by the Bluedorns ( 10th grade)


    PE our own design(a little WII Fit,a little walking,and a homeschool PE class


    Chalkdust SAT Math


    High School Essay Intensive from Institute for Excellence in Writing


    Adanced Communication Series from Institute for Excellence in Writing




    I'm sorry this isn't in order. I hope it makes some sense. I was remembering and writing at the same time.

  16. Which audios are what? Iv'e noticed there are 3 different sets. Does it matter? How are they different? What in the World, True Tales, and Digging Deeper?


    There are 3 levels Ancient Civs,Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries ,and World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. The first 2 have cds for:


    *What in the World is Going on Here Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (this is the meaty history part)


    *True Tales (this adds some great extra information some amazing,some quirky fun facts and tidbits)


    *Digging Deeper ( I haven't used this portion)


    The last 1 only has:


    What in the World is going on here 3 ( meaty history)


    We used this for my daughters freshman year of history and it

    was great. It allows for so much creativity in the learning process and Diana is a hoot. We absolutely love her. We have had the opportunity to hear her speak several times and she is a great person. Her love of history is contagious. I have listened to her cds with my 8 and 9 yr old and they enjoy them as well.

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