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Posts posted by 4Hisglory

  1. We're at around a thousand a year. WAY more than when I first started with ODd. We probably spent around a hundred a year. She did amazing with what I bought but I am glad we are doing "richer(as in chocolate cake)" curriculum now. When she hit 8th grade our yearly cost went up quickly and now a thousand a year seems very reasonable. We checked the cost of a local private school and it would be more than a thousand for one month for my 2 school age DC.

  2. I have done a search for those who have done this study. I have seen several post by one poster that feels it is not enough history and too much writing. I have seen that others said that POAG was on their HITS list. I would love to hear from you! I have this book and I LOVE IT! I am not worried that my dd will not have every nook and cranny covered in history while in elementary. And it always comes back around again anyway. So if you were one of those that used this and were happy with it can you tell me

    ~~how old was your child when you used it? My Dd was 8, my Ds was 10

    ~~Did you find the writing a challenge (good or bad)? We had a different writing curriculum

    ~~Was there anything in particular that really stood out to you, good or bad, that you would like to share? We enjoyed the craft ideas, the famous person note-taker pages, her biography recommendations along with her schedule and website recommendations.





    Both of my children enjoyed this study and they both retained facts from American history by doing it in a more personal way because of the way it was introduced, in relationship to the American Girls. My son never complained about learning American History through the books. We found them engaging. Her section for Josefina is my absolute favorite and very rich with information. We used the library to get some of the out of print resources, but as you said this study is able to be done without them. We also had the American Girl Guide books and near the end I was using them more than POAG. I don't think it was better though. We already had our own grammar, writing and science so we didn't rely heavily on POAG for those. We really used it for the history. I hope someone else weighs in that used the guide thoroughly.

  3. I am screaming!!! Yuck!!!



    My husband got an earful along with my two young ones over a skillet lid that was set to the side for someone. A woman picked it up and was told that it was spoken for, she then unleashed her wrath calling my husband every name in the book. I was out getting change and came home to my kids crying because of what she had called their dad. My husband has pretty thick skin and it didn't phase him other than "people will really do that over a 1.00 lid????"

  4. Oldest Dd an authoress staying up all night and sleeping during the day, because that is when her creative juices are really flowing, that also illustrates her own books.


    Ds engineer from birth.


    Dd something in a compassionate field, like a doctor or nurse. Or a party planner, I would hire her.


    Youngest Dd something outside with plants and never leaving home :001_smile:

  5. maybe plan a Really Busy Day doing things you love. tomorrow would be the day to do wonderful things for yourself. you are beautiful, courageous, kind and loving. :grouphug:




    lunch out with friends? a trip to the beach with the kids? something you love, and that will occupy your thoughts.






    :grouphug::grouphug: Good Morning Julie


    During a series of crushing events in my life my girlfriend wrote to me and said she was crushing a bag of lavender to release its fragrance.

    You are releasing your crushed fragrance, your strength, your love, your hope,......

    It is a new day.

  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


    I think you are amazing, really truly amazing. You are reaching out, being vulnerable and willing to move forward. I wish that I could give you a real hug. I agree with others who have said this year is going to be different, no pretending, ouch. New traditions sounds like a perfect place to start next year. Maybe some brainstorming later about what those could be but right now it might taint next year, so I would wait until you're farther out from this anniversary. Writing down or mentally keeping a thankful list might lift your heart but I am by no means saying don't acknowledge the hurt, it will take time, time, time.


    You are BEAUTIFUL


    You are LOVED

  7. I like the perspective, the attitude about figuring things out. The fun of it. Like I said, it's more than the math. At least that's my opinion nine lessons in. :001_smile:


    :iagree: I bought the elementary series plus Fractions and Decimals and Percents. My DS 11 started in Fractions for the summer and LOVES is. My DD 9 started in Apples and we are part way through Cats and she also LOVES it and asks for more. The story line is unique in a way that I can see some people just not enjoying it. The elementary series from what I've seen so far is a building story line book by book. You could jump in but you would miss some of the story so some references may not make perfect sense. I love all the extra information in the stories it makes them very interesting for me and I have really enjoyed my DD using and understanding commutative and non commutative properties, also ordinal and cardinal numbers. I also feel at least for my DC that the critical thinking in the problems is greater. I'll be buying the rest for my DC to do alongside their regular math. It really is a fun and engaging supplement for us. I was just thinking the other day that this will be one of those that I can't part with when I'm done, they'll be shelved, collect dust and looked at with great memories attached.

  8. I am buying new a lot more than I use to and it's not because the money is flowing. We have a great home school bookstore close by and there are times I can get that item I'm drooling over faster. I also buy new if all the used items are close to the price of new. Recently I bought something off ebay and it was missing a couple of things but was a great price so I'll deal with that, but it is nice to have things be complete.

  9. We also are going to be using Memoria Press but haven't yet. I did glean from their forum (definitely check out their forum)that my 4th and 6th grade children can both do the 4th grade core with separate LA, math and spelling. They will both do Christian Studies II, Famous Men of Rome, Latin and the literature guides and books for level 4. I am using the literature guides because I feel that both of my dc will benefit from thnking critically while reading. I also hope they will read many other books for pure enjoyment outside of their assigned reading. I am buying the lesson plans but am doing some substituting. I may switch completely over next year, kind of waiting to see how this year goes.

  10. I always think of this from Pride and Prejudice when considering your question. I want to be like Jane, I think.


    "Oh! you are a great deal too apt, you know, to like people in general. You never see a fault in anybody. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in your life."

    "I would not wish to be hasty in censuring anyone; but I always speak what I think."

    "I know you do; and it is that which makes the wonder. With your good sense, to be so honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others! Affectation of candour is common enough— one meets with it everywhere. But to be candid without ostentation or design— to take the good of everybody's character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad— belongs to you alone. And so you like this man's sisters, too, do you? Their manners are not equal to his." (Elizabeth to Jane; Ch. 4)

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