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Posts posted by 4Hisglory


    INSTALLING Pacific NW SUMMER V.2012.....







    ██████░░░░░░░░ 44% completed.





    Install delayed, please wait. :toetap05:


    Installation failed. Please try again.:smash:


    404 error: Season not found.


    Season "Summer" cannot be located. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.



    Please try again later :leaving:


    Oh my goodness I love this. This sums up exactly how I have felt this weekend. Last weekend DH tore down our back patio cover. Big mistake, no gutters and a fairly decent waterfall blocking my usually lovely view of the backyard. Not to mention our poor puppy in, out, in, out between rain showers. So thank you, that made my day. :001_smile:

  2. What we're doing this weekend- Trying to stay dry, we actually spent the weekend mostly at home not doing much because of sporatic downpours. We did make it to church today though.


    Temperature- 61 (It can't be summer, it can't be summer.)


    Super power of choice today would be- The ability to fly, I might make it to the beach a little more often. :D

  3. I'm Jen and am a horrible lurker. I love reading here but seldom post. :blush:

    I've been homeschooling for 14 years and started with my first as a single mom. That one has graduated and is at college and I have added three more(and am no longer single.:001_smile:) We live in the rainy, green, lush state of Oregon. Our reasons for homeschooling have changed over the years. At first I did it because it seemed wonderful to not miss out on so much time with my dear ones and that is still true, but I have added that home educating is such an incredible gift (even when I'm tired, frustrated and someone's climbing the walls) that I want to persevere and do it well. That is not exactly the track record from my youth, a worthy turn-around.

  4. I voted move to bed on first waking but we are all over the place. All of my dc have been breastfed on demand and nursed from 1 year to almost 3 years for my little one now. First DD slept with me from birth and often times on my chest when she wasn't nursing. Those nursing hormones kept me from falling into to deep of sleep. My Ped at the time told me her heart rate and breathing would respond to mine, I don't know if that was her opinion or ??? Second Ds was a terrible sleeper waking up all of the time, my husband didn't want him to co sleep so he was right by my bed and we were both exhausted. He would wake up every hour. Third Dd slept by me in a bassinet and was a great sleeper, she was also my shortest nurser weening right after turning 1. Fourth Dd co sleeps when she wakes up and we all sleep well. She'll be three this month and still nurses, mainly at nap and night.

  5. My Dd used Teaching Textbooks Algebra II and Geometry and then took her SAT. Based on her math SAT score she does not need any further math for her college major and they are giving her the 3 General Education math credits. She tested out. I can't tell you how happy she was and how much confidence that gave me in using TT with my younger children. This was with the non-automated program.

  6. DD 19~wants to be an animator at Pixar.

    DS 10~wants to be an engineer until he has enough money to become a pilot and then he will be a missionary pilot. This has been his plan since he was 6.

    DD 9~wants to be a teacher or a doctor but dad wants me to be a doctor.(hehe cute)

    DD 2~Says she wants to be a "Duhhy"(ducky). I definitely expected an animal when I asked. :001_smile:

  7. Have you looked into First Language Lessons? It is verbal and visual and you are directly involved reading scripted lessons to her which allows you to learn as well. I was very poor in grammar and have learned so much through teaching my children. I will admit I do not know anything about the other programs you mentioned so I thought I would way in with one I do know something about. :001_smile:

  8. It's always nice to see it in black and white so here it goes.




    Heading off to college on the 25th

    Art-Cinema/Media double Major




    Math-U-See Zeta

    Spelling Power

    Portraits of American Girlhood(willingly going along with his sister)

    Chess using Knights of the Square Table

    Music and Moments with the Masters

    Cornerstone Adventures in Art

    God and the History of Art

    Beginning Piano Lessons



    Saxon 5/4

    Spelling Power

    Portraits of American Girlhood

    Chess using Knights of the Square Table

    Music and Moments with the Masters

    Cornerstone Adventures in Art

    God and the History of Art




    Playing with Playdoh

    Building with blocks

    Coloring (hopefully on a desirable surface:tongue_smilie:)


    I hope all of you have a wonderful school year!

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