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Posts posted by 4Hisglory

  1. I haven't read all of the posts , but I had the same thing happen. I sent in my card to be excused and they denied it. I went online and filled in a form with the reason I would like to be excused. They denied it. My main reason was that my youngest is VERY used to having me around all.of.the.time. I don't leave the kids with my husband and go have me time. The only reason I am away from them is for emergencies. That's just how we roll here. I went in on my scheduled day, my husband took the day off. I was there for 3 hours and the man on trial reached a plea aggreement and we were never called. The judge came in afterward and talked to us thanking us for being there, recognizing the inconvenience some had to go through in order to be there and how important it is to have a pool of people from diverse background to create a jury that would be fair, what we would want if we were on trial. I am not looking forward to being called again, due to the juggling that comes with it, but I would definitely go. As hard as it is it is good. A side note, the women who ran the jury pool sign in seemed to be ill treated, disrespected by jury pool members as if it were somehow their fault. It isn't.

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed....

    I am sorry the man made you cry, not being sympathetic is truly unfortunate for him. Also, the judge in our trial would talk to individuals selected and take their personal circumstances into account, excusing them and selecting another if the hardship was to great. So that may be an option if you are selected.

  2. 75.00 on a stack of books 3 weeks over-due. It is when I was being courted and I kinda forgot everything:001_wub:

    Once DS fell on a book and broke the binding and so we got to buy that one.

    Oh and I have had the library not check in my returned items frequently. I dislike it so much I go in and find them on the shelves and take them to the desk myself. I have asked them to do searches and they will wait days.

  3. It's very different in that the mixture is not wet. It's just crumbly and dry. Do not be tempted to add liquid, because (I'm sure you know this) the zucchini puts out so much moisture.


    I divided mine up into two foil cake pans because I have a hard time baking dense items in my oven -- sides burn, inside doughy. It worked great. I cooked mine until it wasn't gooey. Bouncing back wasn't quite specific enough for me. :lol:



    I grate my zucchini and freeze it in 3 cup portions every year. Your comment about not adding liquid made me laugh. That zucchini is always floating in what looks like 3 cups of it's own liquid and I'm always tempted to pour some off but I stop myself, I know the recipe is counting on that soppy zucchini.

  4. Since the birth of my last child (3yrs old now) I have these moments all.the.time. Just before I had her I had the pleasure of meeting Carole Barnier, author of, If I'm Diapering The Watermelon Where'd I Leave the Baby. Hearing her speak helped me be a lot more comfortable with those moments. "It's not that there is to little going on in our brains, it is that they are over-full. Mainly in the area that deals with maintenance related items, it is working at 115%." (it's a loose quote but that's the idea)

  5. Sweater is on and I have hot tea to drink. The heater has kicked on in the house...again.:tongue_smilie: I have a really big front window so we don't have to have a light on during the day, in the summer. The sun yesterday threw me and I left the windows down in the car = wet seats today. I love it here though, but I am desperately waiting for summer (twiddling thumbs.)

  6. I sent you a pm.


    This was my first thought, as well.


    4Hisglory, in your experience, did doctors suggest removing the cyst? My dermatologist sent me to a plastic surgeon, who put me on antibiotic and scheduled surgery. But by the surgery date, the antibiotic had done its thing and he cancelled surgery. I thought that was pretty unusual. There is still a small mass there, but not nearly as big as before and not infected at all. Will it just stay that way or disappear or what?

  7. He presents that as an option, at first neither one of my dc took it but they both ended up doing it. He doesn't push it but I could see my dc trying to come up with a new story that would work. My daughter did The Balloon That Cried Needle Shop for The Boy That Cried Wolf. They did use their original key outline for organization.



    That's really great. So your daughter uses the key outline, words from the source, and creates her own stories. I didn't think of that, and it would work well for kids who may want to do some creative writing, yet still have a key outline for organization.
  8. We used SWI-A last year with my ds-5th and dd-3rd. Like a previous post stated, the lessons on DVD are as much as once a week and sometimes there are several weeks between DVD's where you are building on the skill taught previously. My son loved them and this year we are moving into the Geography Based Writing Lessons. I was available to help my daughter and she did require a little more pulling out in Key Word Outlining, but by the time we were done she was creating her own stories based on the source text and not just following a rewriting which is something they can do but don't have to. We liked it and are sticking with it.

  9. I don't feel alone now! Funny thing is, I thought it was normal and I've always done it. Then people started taking note of me doing it and would ask me what I was doing. I guess not so normal.:blushing: My husband drinks it straight down and I writhe in pain thinking of the burn in my throat if I did the same, ouch!



    LOL I have a friend who will only drink soda out of a plastic bottle so he can shake it and release the bubbles before drinking it. Lol.



    I like Coke because of the bubbles!


    I guess we can still be friends, but we can't drink soda together. :lol:

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