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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. I started my completely writing resistant dd out with Writing Tales 2 last year (second semester of 5th grade). I am so, SO pleased with her writing right now. We're about 2/3 through the program and I am seeing some great work come from her. At first, I wasn't sure if we were going to get anywhere with it, but she's really taking off now. I wouldn't say she loves writing, but she is taking pride in her work and that is really coming through in her attitude.


    That said, I have no idea where we're going from here. Sigh.

  2. What about the whole mail-in ballot thing? Won't that (eventually) start making it impossible to determine the popular vote winner the day after the official election day? In our state many of the counties are now all mail-in -- so those votes will continue to come in up to a week or so after the election. Hmmmm ....


    I have no idea how it works in other states, but in California, your ballot must be recieved by 8pm on election day. Post marks do not count.

  3. grew up in inland SoCal- busy, concrete, fake, great weather


    Lived in the high desert of California- Liked it more than I thought I would. Loved the military community that we were part of there. Don't think I'd like it much outside of the Marines. It was the type of place that you would drive 30 min and walk around Walmart for something to do on the weekend.


    New Orleans- my first southern exposure. Great people, ugly place. Heavy dose of racism- coming from SoCal, that was a shocker. We go back and serve in the intercity every summer, but I would not want to live there.


    Orlando- Lived there for most of my adult life. Love, love, love the people. Great community. Perfect balance of city and suburbs. Great hs community. I MISS it!!


    NorCal- Beautiful, lush, redwoods, beaches, wildlife, just unbelievably beautiful. Hippies, occult, very fickly, consumer oriented. Some really amazing people sprinkled in. Not many hs opportunities, but very friendly hs community. This area is different from SoCal in the sense that it doesn't move as fast or feel as crowded. There is a lot of agriculture and I love the fresh local produce. I'm currently trying to bloom where I'm planted.

  4. 1) What's for breakfast at your house?

    Multigrain cheerios

    2) What kind of car do you drive?

    GMC Savana, converted

    3) What's your weather today?

    Cool and crisp

    4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


    5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

    Twilight, total candy

    6) Is your bed made?


    7) What's for dinner?

    concert at the church tonight. The kids are begging for pizza


    8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

    not today, but last night they watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" and my littlest was just falling over laughing at snoopy. All of them were just cracking up, but for her it was like it was brand new ( I don't think she remembered it from last year). Too cute!


    9) What color is your bathroom rug?



    10) Who's your favorite artist?

    As in painting? I don't have one. Music artist? Lori McKenna


    11) What's your favorite morning beverage?



    12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

    My doll named April, who now lives in my hope chest.

    13) Do you collect anything?

    I used to collect porcelain dolls, but I now just have a few favorites that are still boxed away.

    14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

    Sort of.

    15) What are you wearing today?


    I'm still in my pajamas, but I'm now off to take a shower and throw on some jeans and a tshirt.

  5. Having a discussion with my ds, who will be 9 in March. He weighs 68 pounds and is 56.5 inches tall...and he REALLY wants to ride in the front seat. I drive an old Lincoln towncar, with an airbag in the front/passenger seat that can't be turned off.


    So I told him we would see how you people do it.


    It would kill him. He's too small and too young. In the town we used to live in, a 9yo was killed by an airbag in a relatively minor collision. I'm sure you could find many similar reports online.

  6. I worked last year as a server. Not only do you not get minimum wage (I believe it was $3 and something/hour), in most places you have to pay a percentage of the ticket (it was 3% in the place I worked at) back to the house.


    As a server, it's possible to lose money on a table if they stiff you. It happens. That's why big parties get charged automatic 18% grat. It makes sure that the server gets their 15% and the house gets it's 3%.

  7. I can't remember exactly, but kisses wouldn't be a zinger for me. I just had a really bad feeling about the movie, and wouldn't let my girls watch it with their 5/6 yr old cousins. I thought it was trashy.


    Are you sure you aren't confusing it with the second one? The second one was trashy, imo, but the first was really well done (shockingly well done for Disney). I'm very picky about these things.

  8. I registered permanent absentee when we moved here. Frankly, I don't want to have to juggle the kids while I'm voting. I think back fondly to the days when my olders were in school and the youngers would just sit under the booth while I voted. Those days are gone and it just isn't worth the stress or the inevitable annoyance that would be caused to others. Yeah for mail-ins!

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