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Posts posted by LarlaB

  1. Well yeah, we are all kind of about ourselves 99% of the time.  Unless you are trained or work in a people helping capacity, you usually don't think about others first and yourself second.   

    I've been on the receiving end of a lot of stupidly insensitive comments referencing hardships I've experienced but someone else was 'spared' from:  Miscarriage.  Infertility.  Job Loss.  Chronic Illness.  Accidents.  Mentally Ill parents.  It just sucks to hear right up until I realize they aren't "rubbing my face in it" but rather expressing their immense relief to have NOT experienced the difficulty.  Its about pain- its not about me.  It's their experience. Just like my weeping over my pain is my experience.  Both are real. 


    One of my best friends said (in reference to my DH losing his job) that I was living her worst nightmare and she was having a panic attack over just the thought of her DH losing his job.  Hmmm.  That stung and sounded the same as "thank God it hasn't happened to me"- which is fair.  And yes- I AM thankful it didn't happen to her and hope it never does.  But it doesn't change that it did happen to me.   Honestly, I'm glad when people have been spared the hardships I've gone thru.  And I've been relieved to be spared hardships that I've watched others go thru. I think its normal response.   

    We struggle with pain.  We try to make sense of it, organize it, rationalize and work so so so hard to prevent it and control life.  We pretend we can perfect our speech, actions and intent so that it is fair and hardship free for all.  That's a tough one for me because its impossible. I'm not saying we just don't try- but rather that we live with acceptance that sh$t happens. Two people have the same cancer prognosis- 1 lives, 1 dies. That's just hard.  There's no finger pointing, excuses or anxiety that will change it.  

    I'm a Christian (but trending towards Buddhist influence- in that I think Christianity tends towards 'working it out/control' way too much instead of acceptance. My faith is built on the acceptance that I can't earn goodness & favor and I certainly don't deserve it.  And it needs to stay there.  Anything more and I start to think I can earn or deserve XYZ.    Yes- I wish that I had been spared hardship in life and I resent the hardship in my life.  But I've learned- God does what He does- it's on me to obey and trust.  Believe me, I've wrestled it to the ground 250X and will probably wake up tomorrow to start the 251X.   


    I don't pretend to understand why He allows things, or heals some, or or or or....but I still won't hesitate to thank Him for the blessings in my life.  God gives and God takes away.  Blessed be the name of God. 

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  2. Yeah, I think you should charge rent- especially in this case, as he doesn't seem motivated to change or uncomfortable with any part of the situation....so why would he change? Its unlikely that he will organically change, so you may need to change the situation for him- to make it less comfortable which will in turn motivate him.  Its great that he's so willing to do what you suggest, but part of being an adult is not always needing to be told/asked/prompted towards responsible decisions.

    If you charge rent and don't need the money, I know several families who put that money into a savings account for the adult/child- with the intent that its a down payment on a house someday.  You don't have to tell the adult/child.  It builds discipline but is also a gracious thing for the adult child, in the end. 

    And honestly a lot of work isn't about 'hopes and dreams and career goals' when you are in your early 20's.  And work/vocation is supposed to be the bigger priority instead of sleep and comfort.  I know that sounds harsh, but its a chronic issue I'm seeing in young adults.  They don't like hard or uncomfortable.  Well, honestly- neither do I. But my bills keep coming and therefore I am motivated to work.  

    Also I don't understand the 'retail is the only option' approach either.  I worked retail- evenings and weekends because it fit with school (High school & college.  But there is also:  Food business. Light Manufacturing.  Delivery. Warehouse. Manual Skilled labor (machinist, welding, electrician, mechanic, plumber- which will require training, yes ).  Banking.  Manual Labor.  Maintenance.  Commercial Cleaning Service.  Again, nothing that might make him jump up and down at the moment because, well, change is hard.  But there are jobs where high people interaction isn't a central aspect of the job. 

    I have familiarity with ASD and have watched a friend parent a 23 yr old who is similarly an "all or nothing, black and white thinker" who was positive he'd hate every job option she suggested.  He had no suggestions of his own of course, but KNEW he couldn't do anything or wouldn't like something (even though he never tried it, obviously). IMHO, the issue was that because he was comfortable living off of them, he was unmotivated and stuck in a rut- so it was a power struggle between the mom and adult/child- he would just fight every idea or option she put out there- (black and white thinking yes- but also youthful, enabled, arrogance).  Once they pushed him and he had bills he had to pay, it kind of clicked for him that he couldn't have the perfect job but could find something that he enjoyed which would give him money for his hobbies plus living expenses. He had to buy cereal.  Pay the phone bill.  Do his laundry.  Once he felt the weight of responsibility, somehow it pushed/pulled him towards being more motivated to try more things. 

    He works for an inventory company- which might be good for your son.  Task oriented and all. 

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  3. Gizeh in silver!!!!  I just bought my second pair but cannot bring myself to throw out the first pair. I LOVE them because they are so comfy but a little blingy looking to dress thing up.  I don't have any plain Birkenstocks- I have a patent black pair, black floral pair, silver pair and bronze/green pair (I have purchased a few very gently used on eBay with great success- so that I could still break them in myself)

    I also like Salina and Florida styles. 

    I'm usually a size 10.5 or 11, and order the 41 which is a 10.5. 

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  4. Yeah you are defensive OP and I get it. But he needs to quit or be fired. It’s not ok, no matter the circumstances, to sleep while being paid to monitor something- even if inactive/empty.


    I get how boring and hot and long and hard and unwieldy and humid and the hassles and the lack of breaks. Less excuses more reckoning with reality IMHO. Either do the job or quit/be fired.

    • Like 6
  5. It’s that time of year when seasons haven’t quite changed yet and nothing sounds good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I was just thinking the same thing! We have highs in the 70s and lows in the 20s. I’m seasonally confused!!

    • Like 1
  6. M: Slow cooker Pulled pork bbq sandwiches, sweet potato wedges and Cole slaw

    T: Pulled pork enchiladas and salad (leftover pork)

    W: Basil Tilapia, Roasted Cauliflower, Green Beans

    T: Chicken Tikka Masala, Rice and Broccoli; salad

    F: Freezer Fast food (tacos, taquitos, stir fry- all Costco)


    I work Tuesday and Friday evenings (till 8) so by the time I get to Friday I’ve usually given up cooking dinner ahead and DH gets some sort of fast food or freezer food.

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  7. DH is self-employed and so its ALL outside of the box.  


    There is no 9-5, Monday-Friday, mundane/predictable/stable box from which to escape.  I'm trying to FIND a box to climb into so I can take a nap. LOL I'm perpetually uncomfortable and constantly stretched and challenged with my 'normal' life.  Its exhilarating yes, but not comfortable footing for me.  So my leisure and hobbies are less out of the box than they once were....I need comfort and familiarity more than ever before.  Before when DH had the big job, I was a professional "out of the box" mom- trying new things, looking, exploring and coming alive with challenge. Now, its completely flipped.

    Travel is our 'out of the box'. We can't afford to spend much money or time, but its still our way of exploring the world- seeing new things, trying new experiences and feeding our souls.  Its a luxury and a necessity all at once.  I slowly wilt when I can't travel and explore- even though now, its more of an escape.  

    I just joined an entrepreneurial womens Bible group- they alternate between Bible study and business development books.  They are my new people.  Wicked smart, motivated, professional and just a gold mine of strong women who are moving and shaking.  All living like wanderers, outside of the box. Some more established than others, so the longevity resembles the box at times ...but the innate challenges, evolution and resilience required for small business is a normal part of their life. 


    • Like 1
  8. No, it doesn't sound like pneumonia to me. Rather a nasty, lingering virus that is a slow recovery. I've had shortness of breath when recovering from a particularly nasty virus.  Plus I have asthma and have to watch carefully.  But just walking up the stairs would leave me winded for about a week or so. 


    If you were sick and less mobile for a while, it makes perfect sense.


    Probably smart to be checked out. Just to ease your concerns. 

    My mom has had a terribly cough and laryngitis for 2.5 weeks.  Finally went to Dr.  Everything was fine, lungs/pneumonia wise- just a lot of post nasal drip that was continuously irritating the larynx and producing cough.  Especially talking.  So she's had to go silent for a while- LOL

  9. I'm a year round allergy sufferer and Spring/Fall are essentially me just trying to avoid sinus infections and namely keep overall allergy load to a minimum. 


    Due to recommendations here, I ordered NasalChrom to try this season.   I've read good things on Amazon as well.  ITs a nasal spray and not antihistamine based.  I've been unhappy with Flonase, Nasacort insofar as feeling too 'amped' when I took them and not noticing enough symptom improvement to tolerate the side effects.

    During Fall/Spring, I usually take Allegra or Zyrtec daily, plus Benadryl at night if its a particularly bad day. Sudafed (the good stuff) frequently as well as REDD sinus (natural combo for respiratory- thins secretions).  Also NeilMed Sinus rinse from Costco.  I also have asthma and had my first set of allergy asthma attacks last Spring.  

    My upper teeth, ears and sinuses have already been hurting so I'm probably starting my allergy regime too late now that I think of it. LOL

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  10. Our main floor has 14+ windows and 1 sliding door (7 windows and sliding doors are fully south/southwest facing), 1400sf on that floor and vaulted ceiling w/ another window at 12'.  We have lots and lots and lots of light.  Too much sometimes, to be honest.   We have light/heat blocking blinds because the strong Colorado (altitude) sun bleaches the wood floors and overheats the house during the summer.  

    And wow- there's a LOT of light/sunny days here in Colorado.  I actually have reverse SAD from so.much.constant.neverending.sunshine (especially during the summer) that we keep the blinds shut, at least partially.   We get tired of sunny days and like to hide. 

    We have light colored walls, lighter carpets and medium toned wood floors with high gloss finish that causes a glare. From the sunshine.  So much sunshine.

    Other houses we've owned in different areas felt so much darker and enclosed. Very little direct light actually came in, but I still wouldn't say they were dark. 

  11. I would agree that the rigidity and intensity sounds more like ASD....  


    I'll also toss out Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) as researched by Dr Elaine Aron for consideration. (Depth of Processing, Easily Overstimulated, Emotional REsponsiveness and sensitivity to subtle stimuli) http://hsperson.com/ Prob not based on your follow up response that emotional sensitivity in relation to noise.   But the 'feeling things deeply' aspect struck a chord with me. 


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  12. Wow, could you really do all of that for a million?

    Small 1 BR condos, yeah- probably. It would be tight for sure- and I was envisioning smaller properties in solid areas, not new builds or luxury in the hot up and comings.


    We rent out our basement apartment and it brings $1200 a month. It’s a HOT rental market here- if you can buy to rent, you’ll make money.

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  13. Like PP I made one in Googledocs, Printed it and Laminated...hung in a public, high traffic area where we all see it multiple times a day. I amend either post it note and some entries are either/or depending on season and need (picking up pine cones OR dog poo). It changes every 6 months maths to a year based on abilities and needs.


    Yes we could use an app but frankly I’m just not wild about more excuses/reliance on screen time- even if it pinged them with reminders. YMMV

  14. Eeeeks. The invisible finish line would make it tough for me to cope! That should be DHs job... but it sounds like you’re frustrated with him for other issues so I can’t help you there.


    Just draw boundaries to save your sanity. That’s the simplest advice I can give...it’s tough but necessary. You can be kind and polite but firm.


    (((Hugs))) that’s tough!!!

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  15. We’ve bought and sold many times using Craigslist- namely cars.


    We are selling our hot tub. Or i should say we sold it. We were not asking a lot ($600) as we just want it gone- the frame/sides need replacing but the shell is in perfect condition with new heater and control panel and newish cover. Plus $100 in chemicals.


    Several people were very interested. One guy sent the full $600 via Venmo the night he saw it and made arrangements to have a hot tub mover come pick it up the next week.


    So, the night before the mover came, DH drained and cleaned the tub, removed wiring and electrical box plus cutting wiring to the house.


    The hot tub mover said he couldn’t/wouldn’t move it as it would need to be partially dissembled. He’s right. He said “no one else would move it eitherâ€.


    Buyer decides he doesn’t have time for this and sent a Venmo refund request. That’s it. Literally said the guy can’t move it and buyer doesn’t have time for this. Sigh.


    So.....What is fair?


    This was a rock bottom sell-it-asap price. The guy could pay $1k to have it relocated and still have a great deal. His choice. He owns it. But it’s sitting here still. DH offered him a partial refund of $350 because it’s unlikely we can sell it. We are now stuck with an unworking unwired hot tub that we couldn’t turn on to demonstrate working condition, even if we wanted too.


    So what is fair? No refund? Partial refund? Full refund?

  16. When I’m dealing with bigger (behind the scenes issues) I tend to cry more...especially TTOTM. Kind of an emotional relief valve.


    Dealing with your m DHs illness is a big emotional drain that will need frequent venting.

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