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Posts posted by Mom23Boys

  1. So sad. I grew up watching the movie Support Your Local Sheriff with my family. I also loved him in Maverick, the movie with Mel Gibson. I am not sure if I saw him in anything else. Most his movies were before I was born. I did love him though.

  2. I'm starting my own ranking system. I rate this thread:




    It's a complex system, but this is a darn good rating with a little room for improvement (to keep you inspired and striving).


    😂😂😂😂 Hilarious!

  3. My house is almost always neat, but not necessarily clean. For example, I almost always need to dust.  People think it is clean though because it is neat and non-cluttered.


    I do not pick up and clean all day long.  We do have several times a day where we work for 15 or so minutes and get things done.


    My kids are expected to clean up after themselves at breakfast and lunch(they fix their own). Each month, one of them has "kitchen duty". He (I have all boys) wipes the counter after each meal, sweeps the kitchen floor after breakfast and lunch and vacuums after supper. He also unloads the dishwasher when it is clean.


    The other older son has towel duty that month (they rotate monthly). He folds all towels and puts them up. He also dust mops the wood floors and vacuums them once a week.


    My youngest son either helps his older brothers or does another job while they are working. He doesn't have an assigned job yet.


    My kids are also expected to make their beds, keep their rooms clean and do their own laundry (I try to make sure they are washing often enough to not run out of clothes). I don't consider these jobs chores, just life. I expect them do to the best of their ability, so age and natural neatness count.


    We clean bathrooms once a week. We have 3, so I clean one and each of my older boys clean one. My youngest does counters and mirrors.


    So basically, we have a routine for big jobs and keep up with keeping our items put away when we are done with them.  

  4. We have been in our house for 4 years. It is 30ish years old. The only things that have needed to be done was a new roof after a hailstorm and a toilet replaced.


    We paid $800 for the roof, insurance paid the rest and whatever a new toilet cost. My DH installed it.


    We have spent more on cosmetic stuff that we wanted done, but none of that was needed.

  5. Both the kids and I do.  We have been seeing our pediatrician since my oldest was born, so 11.5 years.  We almost always get to see him.  When we don't it is usually because he is out of town. 


    I graduated high school with my primary care doctor.  


    I also grew up with my dentist and eye doctor.  My urologist knows me, but only because I have lots of kidney stones. ;)


    My OB also knows me as does our ENT. Our ENT has done surgery on all 3 of my kids and also treats me when I need an ENT. 

  6. I'm not familiar with Baton Rouge. I imagine the no plumbing and running water to be in remote backwood areas. Living in a city, it would be much harder to go unnoticed.


    Of course I could be completely wrong. Lot of poverty in my city and I haven't yet heard of anyone going without basic needs. There are a ton of efforts here though. It might be harder to reach people if they are remote or spread out more.


    Here they often put homeless people up in motels. Recently one got shut down because it was deemed too hazardous and unsanitary. So they even look out for the conditions in which people are placed.

    Baton Rouge is the capitol of Louisiana (in case anyone reading doesn't know ;) )


    I just looked up the population, and the number I saw was around 230,000. We do have a lot of more rural areas in Louisiana, but this area would in no way at all be considered rural.


    From what I understand and remember (my dad told me and he has passed away, so I can't ask), this area I am talking about was built as government run projects for lower income people, but has just over time been ignored. Crime is crazy there. One of the little girls in my class asked what my plan was at my house when the police came. I had no idea what she was talking about. Her brother and dad had hiding places and escape routes planned.


    Out of 22 students, at least half had at least 1 parent in jail. Several had both parents in jail. For the most part, the kids who did not have a direct relative in jail were bused in from other areas of BR. It is the picture of the cycle of poverty. It is heartbreaking.


    Louisiana doesn't have many (any?) safety nets for the truly poor or homeless. Partly bc we are a poor state in general, partly bc we have a lot of needy that need the small resources there are and partly for political reasons.

  7. My 2nd son once told me the Phoenicians were from Idaho...



    Oh, and my youngest thought Mississippi was the capitol of Louisiana. We live right outside Baton Rouge... The Mississippi River has been a source of great confusion for all my boys.

  8. Ours is around $1000, but it has consistently gone down over the past 3 years or so. We get a good sized check back at the end of the year because our escrow account is overfull. Our insurance is factored into our mortgage payments. We haven't had a hurricane in that time, and we have never filed a claim.


    We don't have or need flood insurance. This crappy little town is on high ground :)

    I wish that was our situation!! My house has never flooded, and will never flood, but we our still required to have flood insurance. Our parish is constantly fighting with FEMA because of that.


    We had a new roof put on this year, because of hail damage, but we haven't since then. It will be "fun" to see what that does to our rates.


    Our car insurance is high here too. My ancestors picked a terrible place to settle. LOL

  9. Thats awful!  We would not be able to afford it if ours ever went up that much.  That would be a 100% increase for us.  I do know people who have had that happen and lost their homes because they bank wouldn't allow them to live in it with a mortgage while uninsured



    It was terrible. I think it is around $1800 a year now.  Our flood insurance is around$1500 a year.  Louisiana has high rates. 

  10. We use Rite Aid and they call us right away, all the time.  They call to let us know if they have just a partial prescription and see if we want to pick it up or wait until the next day, if there is problem with insurance, or if they just don't have our meds in.  They have even called us to tell us they were running late getting it filled and give us an update on when it will be done.  We love them.  

  11. Never leave a room without looking around to see what you can bring with you to put up along the way.  If it isn't yours, put it on the owner's bed when you pass.  I have trained my kids to do this as well.


    This has made the biggest difference in my house. All my friends think my house is so clean, but really it is just picked up. I always need to dust or vacuum or something. My grandma told me this and it blew my mind how simple it is and that I never thought of it.  My mom is not a good housekeeper at all, so I wasn't taught how to keep it picked up. 

  12. My youngest started wearing glasses 3 months before he turned 3. We used regular frames because his prescription was/is so bad (only one eye, the other is fine). He has never broken a pair of frames.


    He has however had them fall off his face:

    in the potty, while he was watching himself poop (really?!?!)

    in a parking lot, where he then stepped on them, sliding the glass across concrete

    while swinging upside down from a tree branch


    He is now 7.5 and we average 2 pairs of glasses a year, bc of the lenses being scratched, even with protection on them. We bought sports glasses for soccer this year. That was worth it bc he moved up to U8. We get the first pair each year from the eye dr (insurance covers 1 per year) and the 2nd pair from Walmart.

  13. I would say yes.  In first grade, I cried every day of school except for 9.  I know that bc I got a certificate for each day I didn't cry. It was so bad that they put an extra teacher on carpool duty to pull me out of the car and bring me to my classroom so I wouldn't walk home. They couldn't get me on the bus.  


    That year set me up for years of teasing and outright bullying.  The reason I cried every day was because my dad had been killed in a car accident about a month before school started. I was terrified to leave my mom.  


    Elementary and junior high were miserable.  High school was much better.  


    I still suffer from low self esteem and every time I invite people over or have a party for my kids, I have severe anxiety that no one will come, even though that has never happened.  I am always scared people don't really like me.  Some super good friends, my DH and my SIL have helped a lot, but I wouldn't say I am over it yet.  

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