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Posts posted by MaryMak07

  1. I’ve enjoyed reading all the replies! It’s interesting how different people are in this area!


    We have 2-3 friends where we spend like 4ish hour play dates when we hang out. The moms are all super close and the kids play well. We rotate houses and do this once a monthish. Oldest kid is 6-7 so we can afford that time from school. I have other friends I do this more infrequently with.


    We tend to operate in seasons. Prior to kids we had dessert and game nights frequently. Post kids we have play dates (I usually fix lunch and it’s a longer thing) and friends over for dinner. Plus family sometimes. No big holiday things, but some birthday parties and showers.


    But we used to have really close friends in the neighborhood and would do lunch at my house once a week and hers once a week. It was so nice!!


    I’m either an introverted extrovert or extroverted introvert (meaning I’m in the middle). But being in my house with a friend or another couple and their kids is my favorite. I much prefer that, or going to their house, over a restaurant or crowded place. Big groups aren’t my favorite - I prefer more intimate gatherings.


    I’m FINALLY feeling some better. We had our first dinner guests this month since things got bad back in April! For me, feeling up to having people meant I was getting better/back to feeling like myself!!

    • Like 2
  2. I’ve mentioned having ppd on here, because of which we’ve had way less people over than normal. But we still have friends or family here on sometimes. We don’t host too many big events bc of a small hone, but play dates, dinner etc


    My neighbor said something to me about how they NEVER have people over and I felt a bit surprised. I didn’t pry as to why. She also has a small house (we both love in 1200 sq foot townhomes) and they have 2 more kids (we have 3 and they have 5). She’s super outgoing and a self proclaimed extrovert. She’s also a homeschool mom.


    I’m not judging at all, it just piqued my interest and made me wonder: how often do you host others in your home? If it’s never or super infrequent, why? Just curious!

  3. I guess I should add:

    I'm also:


    Taking l-Theanine



    vit d3


    Natural Calm


    I had blood work done.


    My in laws are paying for a part time nanny so that I can get to counseling/doctors apts and to lend an extra hand while I'm homeschooling my older son/making dinner etc.


    My husband does breastmilk bottles at night so I can sleep.


    And I'm still struggling soooo bad some days!


    I did have those two good weeks and my they were glorious! What I'd do to feel that way consistently!

    • Like 3
  4. I've got some pretty severe anxiety and depression going on (still/again). I had a few good weeks and thought I was feeling better but I've had a really really rough two weeks. My little guy is only 7 weeks so it feels like I have such a long road ahead (when I had it with my daughter it lasted 2 years).


    Meds are hard. They tried me on Lexapro and zoloft last time without much luck. Remeron worked great between pregnancies but lately doesn't seem to be cutting it and I'm on a higher than max dose. I'm also using some Ativan. They tried Prozac but that caused severe insomnia.


    Non med ideas for coping with SEVERE anxiety and depression? While taking care of a 5, 3 and 7 wk old?

  5. The doc and nurse and doula strongly recommended induction with the bulb and pitocin so that's what I did. My BP has been fine but baby started having decels with contractions enough that we shut off the pitocin. Still no baby.....

  6. I've had a complicated pregnancy (anxiety, and anxiety related blood pressure isssues)


    I'm currently 41 weeks and 4 days in the hospital for induction and nothing is working. Baby is super high (-3), I'm only 50% effaced and 2cm dilated.


    We've done two rounds of cytotec to ripen cervix and it's done nothing. Im feeling discouraged and worrying this might end in a csection. I'm also concerned about a "bad labor" leading to more anxiety/postpartum issues.


    Please pray for a health mom (mentally and physically) and healthy baby. And for baby to come sooner rather than later!

    • Like 1
  7. I have PTSD and a heart arrhythmia. This is what I have worked out:


    • Inositol in large amounts (if I had to take only one thing for some reason, it would be this. Nothing, including rx, has lowered the incidence and intensity of flashbacks and panic attacks as much as Inositol. As in--to almost none. It is my little powdered miracle. )
    • L-Theanine
    • Vitamin C
    • 5-HTP
    • Magnesium
    • B-12
    • making sure I get enough potassium through food

    I also take vitamins D and K when I feel sick, and probiotics every day.

    Can you take Inositol with psych meds?

  8. I agree with Sadie, I need meds to get me to a level where I can do the therapy work. I'm on them pregnant and still struggling. It's really really hard!


    But every doc I've seen has said the same thing: this is a medical condition and there's no shame in treating it, even if pregnant (again the blood pressure or diabetes illustration - you wouldn't go off those if pregnant)

    • Like 4
  9. That's crazy!!


    I'm a former classroom teacher. We did a mix of personal supplies (notebooks, binders etc) and communal (pencils, packs of lined paper, etc). But our lists were quite modest (often needing to ask for more communal supplies each year when the PTO did donations of supplies to get us through the year).


    But bringing supplies for others would have frustrated me too, especially after the misuse of "low income" situations. I'll never forget this one time I had a students parent write a letter that he couldn't afford the $25 for the Jmestown trip.

    Of course, we scholarshipped him to go. Then, on the day of the trip he brought $25 for the gift shop (more than any other child) and came home with a wooden boat. I can't tell you how many kids parents paid for the trip and sent nothing or MAYBE $5 for the gift shop. It was super

    Frustrating.... And just taught me that while of course there are legit hardworking low income situations, things aren't always what they seem.


    Ok, end rant!

    • Like 1
  10. So, I'm still working with doctors about what to take and figuring out meds.


    I don't know if I will or won't be on meds long term, but was wondering if people knew what meds are especially hard to come off of. I might want to avoid those....


    Has anyone come off Cymbalta or Effexor? I've heard those are miserable. Others?


    Success stories would be great (but truthful stories are also helpful!)

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  11. Sadie, you're not a bad mother. You're being a good mother. You can't help anybody, least of all your daughter, if you don't take care of yourself first. Admitting it *before* things fall apart again is good. It's much better than having her home, trying to do it all, and failing.

    Agree w/this so much!

    • Like 1
  12. How bad of a mom would I be to insist to dd's care team that I am not willing to be her full time carer at home for longer than a month or so ? I am thinking it's pretty bad...especially as that would probably mean, absent a miraculous recovery, a return to hospital...there is no one else who could step up to care for her full time.


    But maybe it would impress on them that I need more support in dealing with dd's mental illnesses ?


    I honestly feel there's no way to win with the hospital staff. In the end, dd is their patient and they only really care about her needs. The needs of her family are irrelevant, except as they serve the needs of dd.


    I am feeling strongly protective of the needs of my other dd, and my ds.

    Is there a way to get them to transfer care to another hospital? This one seems to be so incredibly difficult to work with.

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  13. I'm so glad your sister is being helpful and supportive! That's a blessing!


    Also, I don't know if this helps, but I was thinking that whatever diagnosis they give (or try to give) your daughter doesn't change who she is, you know? She's still the exact same child who you've raised and loved no matter what words are typed on a piece of paper.


    That said, I know it can be scary and overwhelming to wonder how it will affect her moving forward.


    I'm so sorry you're going through all this!

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