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Noreen Claire

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Posts posted by Noreen Claire

  1. I keep hearing of people doing this and it makes me wonder: how do you keep the younger ones quiet to listen? I swear, I can barely hear myself think over their noisy conversation and silliness and sound effects, let alone hear enough of an audio book to follow it (kids are 7,5,3,1).


    I have 7, 4, 2, and baby. We do audiobooks on PlayAways that I borrow from the library. They are self-contained little digital books, slightly larger than the size of an old iPod shuffle. Each of the older two get their own book and their own headphones to use during quiet time while the younger two nap (hopefully).

    • Like 1
  2. I don't think I would recommend the book to non-Christians who have never heard of Cindy Rollins or Charlotte Mason. However if you are a non-Christian who is familiar with both, you may enjoy it.




    I wasn't familiar with either Cindy Rollins or Charlotte Mason, except by name, when I decided to order the book. I finished it last month. It wasn't what I expected, not really realizing that it was more memoir than homeschool text. That being said, I enjoyed her stories!

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  3. My grandmother (nearing 90) gets a chocolate bar and a gift certificate to her local supermarket. (DS21 will buy her lottery tickets.)


    My father is getting a shirt, wool socks, and a flashlight.


    My mother is getting a weaving loom. (She's going to be so excited!)


    My father-in-law is getting Celtics tickets (husband and DS7 will go with him).


    My mother-in-law is getting a membership to her local art museum, as she just moved there last month.



    Hope that helps!

  4. BS, BS, BS, BS.


    I live in MA.  There is no such law.  There is no such statute.  MA does not in any way require proof of high school homeschool graduation to go to college.  Harvard is here, MIT is here, they all happily accept homeschoolers with just a transcript. The state of MA does not require nor offer any sort of 'proof' of high school graduation to homeschoolers.  It is in no way part of our homeschooling regulations.  No one in MA could provide what they're asking for either.


    The only university I've heard of in MA giving homeschoolers a hard time for this was the flagship (UMass Amherst), but that still doesn't make their wanting such a thing true (they recently changed their regs to allow a certain number of DE credits instead), but that has still always been their bug up their butt, it has nothing to do with any state regs, in fact it flies directly in the face of all state regs, as MA homeschoolers have absolutely no way to get such a thing.  All the other public MA universities do not have any such requirement.  I know lots going to UMass Lowell, and my own dd is attending another state U - mom's transcript is just fine.  My friend's son is attending Brandeis - same.  


    I'd make up something really official looking and see if that works.  A transcript with a seal, or heck, pay a few bucks for one of them fancy schmancy diplomas from homeschooldiploma.com.  Then if that didn't work, I'd talk to someone else and pretend you'd never had that conversation.  If they are similarly misinformed, tell them you know for a fact that there is no such state regulation, that you know homeschoolers going to universities public and private all over MA with just a homeschool transcript, and tell them they should print out and send you via certified mail this regulation if they think it exists - because it doesnt'.  At least UMass Amherst 'fessed up to their stupid requirement being their own, and didn't try to blame it on the state...


    I may also ask them exactly what it is they think that some school counselor could 'approve' of.  Certain number of kinds of courses?  Can't they figure that out themselves??  'Met the requirements' - what requirements?? What the heck are they really looking for?  No one is ever going to 'audit' them and get them in trouble for a law that doesn't even exist.  And anyway, they are a private school and make their own rules.  


    THIS. (I live in MA, too.)

  5. I have two shoe racks by the front door; I like this style (there are versions with more tiers as well, or you can buy 2 and stack them):




    I tried this idea... no one besides myself would put their shoes/boots on it. All the shoes would end up on the floor in front of it. Grrrrr.....


    I have hand-me-downs in plastic totes lined up & stacked in the basement. I have one bin for each size, and clothes have been passed down from DS7 to DS4 to DS2 and now DS baby. I buy brands for DS7 that I know will last with minor mending (lots of knee patches). I do not keep shoes/sandals, but I will keep winter/rain boots and soccer cleats. Everything that they currently wear is in their closets, using hanging shelves and extra rods.


    I have the same problem with toys... I feel like there are too many and they can't/won't put them away themselves. I move toys into boxes in the basement and purge routinely. I *rarely* buy them toys... I'm not looking forward to all the crap they will get this Christmas.

  6. I would schedule immediately. Trust your gut. Don't get dismissed by your front line care provider if you really think something is wrong.


    Has he been sick lately? Could it be PANDAS triggered?


    From what miniscule amount I understand, if it's really ocd or something like that, behavioral therapy can be very helpful. I have a distant friend who's son deals with this and I've read her blog for awhile and there is hope.


    I second this. My 7yr old started with something like this over the summer (compulsive hand washing, intense separation anxiety, fear of germs/disease/poisoning, etc). We treated with antibiotics right away (he tested positive for strep without any obvious symptoms) and he seemed to get better. My husband is absolutely against therapy of any kind (long story) so my son is still living with OCD issues, though the high anxiety/fear stuff subsided after the antibiotics. He still cradles/hides his right hand (the one he eats with) when doing some dirty tasks, but it is a lot less noticeable now.


    Good luck.

  7. I found a lump at 32 and had a mammogram at that time. After using more than one online assessment tool, I have decided to delay starting regular mammograms until *at least* 45. I should be finished breast feeding by then, at least...

  8. I apologized to a cashier a few weeks ago for the behavior of the customer that had been in front of me... my mother. :ohmy: She wasn't horrible, she was just rude. :banghead:

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