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Noreen Claire

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Posts posted by Noreen Claire

  1. 15 minutes ago, SeaConquest said:

    because he wouldn't write out his solutions so his professor could never award him partial credit if he made small errors on his exams

    This is my point that I make to him - if he doesn't write the work down then, when he gets a problem wrong, we cannot easily identify if he made a simple calculation error or if he didn't understand the problem or whatever the issue was.

    We might alternate some chapters where he only works out one or two problems that I pick in advance and some chapters where he only has to write out full solutions for the problems that he gets wrong on the first try.

  2. On 4/11/2020 at 8:40 AM, square_25 said:

    And what is the purpose of doing that all the time for questions that are obviously already easy for him?

    Honestly, once he stopped writing out his solutions his work got *much* slower, which I think is partly because the problems are more complex and partly because he is trying so hard to hold all the numbers/calculations in his head. When he does write things down, he just works faster! He's got a perfectionism streak, and I think he believes that has should be able to continue to do all the work in his head, like he used to when it was easier. 

    When he starts the next chapter next week, we will put in place the practice of writing out on one or two problems in each section, chosen by me in advance, and see how that goes for a few weeks. We weren't planning to take an April vacation this week but, with DS7's concussion, everyone will have an easy week this week...including me!

  3. DS7 (turns 8 tomorrow!) sustained a concussion on Friday (along with a nasty gash on his forehead and several fractures to his frontal sinus bone) in an abrupt meeting between bicycling boy and tree. This happened right after lunch, and the rest of the day his speech and thought processes seemed very sluggish; he answered every question and had no problems with memory, it just took him longer to form his thoughts and to speak them. The next morning (Saturday), his language and processing speed seem to be back to normal. He was initially a little unsteady on his feet, but that seems to have resolved (we are still going up/down the stairs with him, just in case). He read two pages in his book before bed last night, (Sunday) which is much less than his normal amount of bedtime reading, and went to bed a bit earlier than usual. As of this morning (Monday), he's no longer complaining of a headache, and he doesn't seem to be having any issues with bright lights.

    I've eliminated all assigned reading/writing lessons this week, and promised him read-alouds and one science/history documentary every day that he feels up to it. It is going to rain today and tomorrow, so that helps with staying inside and resting. We always have had a quiet time after lunch, where he can read and/or listen to audiobooks in his room, and will make sure he continues to get that time away from his brothers so he can rest his brain.

    If you have had a child who has had a concussion, what are other signs that I should be looking for? We were told that he could seem fine and then have symptoms again, possible off-and-on for up to eight weeks. What else should I do to help him heal that I might have missed?

  4. 40 minutes ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

    Late coming in, but glad he’s ok. Were you able to be in there with him?

    Yes. I rode in both ambulance trips and stayed in his room the entire time. Both hospitals were under strict visitation guidelines and every single person had surgical masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Though, I did hear the nurses discussing how to care for their ONE n95 mask. (We weren't in a respiratory ward. Both hospitals had separate dirty/clean sides.)

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  5. We're still under observation. He's broken several tiny bones in his frontal sinus cavity, both the front part under the skin and the back part near his brain. They are watching to make sure he isn't leaking cervical-spinal fluid into his sinus cavity. He's in good spirits, though he does have a headache. He's under concussion protocols and sinus injury protocols. They believe the fractures will heal themselves sufficiently, so he doesn't need surgery to correct them now. However, we have to watch out for sinus issues in the future. They have yet to decide how long he will stay under observation in neurosurgery.

    Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. It's been a long 24 hours here.

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  6. DS7 is spending the night on the pediatric neurosurgery floor of children's hospital for observation. He lost control of his bicycle and hit a tree. He has a concussion, stitches, and facial fractures. He's had an x-ray and three CT scans already, and will have another at 6am. 

    I watched the lead-up in slow motion. I knew what was going to happen before it did, but I was too far away to stop it. (DS5 also went off the pavement and into the woods/trees, but he is smaller and was on training wheels, so wasn't going as fast and didn't hit a tree.) 


    We're still under observation. He's broken several tiny bones in his frontal sinus cavity, both the front part under the skin and the back part near his brain. They are watching to make sure he isn't leaking cervical-spinal fluid into his sinus cavity. He's in good spirits, though he does have a headache. He's under concussion protocols and sinus injury protocols. They believe the fractures will heal themselves sufficiently, so he doesn't need surgery to correct them now. However, we have to watch out for sinus issues in the future. They have yet to decide how long he will stay under observation in neurosurgery.

    Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. It's been a long 24 hours here.

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  7. DS24 mentioned today that his friends were looking for formula for their baby, born premature in January. He drinks a specific type of formula, and the local stores have been cleaned out, just like toilet paper and water bottles. They are on WIC and food stamps. I went to Amazon and ordered them a 3-pack of powdered formula and a 3-pack of diapers to go along with it. When DS24 was sick as an infant, he needed formula by prescription that I had to order at the pharmacy counter with my WIC checks, so I have been in a similar situation. I hope that it gives them some peace of mind.

    (I did not include my info on the shipment. The baby's father is my son's best friend, baby's mother is the sister of son's girlfriend, they all live together with girlfriend's mother (who I haven't met yet) and grandmother, and I don't want them to feel weird. Did that make any sense?)

    • Like 12
  8. 2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    I'm chuckling a bit because we had the same hiccup with our oldest at that point with the same book.  I'm so sorry.  Don't each chocolate chips like I did, daily. I'm still working to lose that weight. 🙂 Writing the solution IS solving the problem. Coming to the correct answer is only part of the solution.   

    We ended up switching away from AOPS pre-algebra. It wasn't a great fit personality wise for Oldest, and the battle was seen in writing the proofs.  We went to Aufmann instead (which is used in Chalkdust). The algebra book from AOPS is written in a different style, and you can probably go back to it, but Oldest decided to stick with Chalkdust and did all the way through.  His first day of college calculus was spent with the professor lecturing about formatting writing solutions.  I felt a bit validated....8 years later.

    So. Many. Chocolate chips! 😉

    I like the statement that is in bold above. I'am going to use that, thanks!

  9. 54 minutes ago, mathmarm said:

    Ooooh, that's hard. I'm a stickler for written, logical work. But since he's able to do a large portion of the problems in his head accurately, and he's demonstrated in BA and PreA that he knows how to write solutions, what would happen if--just for the rest of PreA-- you made the rule that when he misses a problem done mentally, he must write out the full solution on his 2nd attempt before trying again?


    Or if you looked over the work ahead of time, designated 2-3 problems as MUST SHOW FULL SOLUTION and then let him solve the remainder of the problems however he liked?

    Both of these are great ideas. Thank you very much!

    • Like 1
  10. DS11 (today is his birthday!) is working through AoPS pre-algebra. Back in the fall, he would write out pages and pages of beautiful work to solve out problems. (I used to text pictures to my BFF, who is a college math professor, because they were so nice!) At the time, my only complaint is that he would write across the page, rather than down the page. Fast-forward to lately, and it is an absolute battle every single day to get him to write down anything at all besides the answers. (If and when he does write things out, steps are still horizontally across the page, rather than down, but this is now the least of my concerns.) Usually, he will sit for a while, talking math calculations out loud to himself, and then he writes down the answer. When he goes back to check the answers, it is impossible for him to figure out where any mistakes were made, because he has no written work to consult. (FWIW, he doesn't get many wrong, so this doesn't seem to be a problem to him.) 

    I am frustrated that he won't write out his work.  We worked really hard last year, when finishing up Beast Academy, to write out solutions in full. We've talked over and over about how mathematics is a language, and he needs to be able to communicate his thoughts and solutions to other people, clearly and logically, on paper. But, he JUST WILL NOT DO IT.  Add into all of this the physical growth he's had in the last year, and the long periods of cloudy-hormone-growth-spurt-brain, and I don't know how to handle this. (He's grown several clothing and shoe sizes over the last year; as my husband says, 'He's going to be a big dude.") If I had the disposable income, I would just enroll him in AoPS pre-algrebra 2 and have him be required by someone else to write out some of the work. DH is home during this time, but he's no help on school work. 

    Any ideas on how to approach this? Or, should I just let it go for pre-algebra, and start the fight anew when we start the algebra book? 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Kassia said:


    Where did you buy the oximeter?  We bought one to prepare for quarantine, but I ended up shipping it to my son who has asthma and had Covid19 symptoms.  I couldn't find them online anywhere so now we don't have one for ourselves.  

    I was just talking to DH about the shortage of jigsaw puzzles now!  

    I ordered a pink one on Amazon. It won't ship for a week or so.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, Syllieann said:

    Ok, found one.  Looks like they are claiming fair use because all the copies owned by libraries throughout the country are inaccessible to taxpayers due to the emergency situation.  Maybe they will take it to court with this one.

    But, they are not inaccessible. You can still borrow ebooks, even with the libraries closed. My library has added a whole bunch of extra ways to borrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, etc while they are physically closed.

  13. Before it started, I bought two cases of shelf stable milk boxes (chocolate and strawberry, to entice picky DS7). We have local milk delivered every Tuesday, but sometimes have to run out to get another gallon before the next delivery...this keeps us from having to run to the store. I just put the first 4 boxes into the fridge for tonight.

    Just the other night, I ordered an oximeter (asthmatics in the house) and a blood pressure cuff (to keep DH from going to CVS to use the blood pressure machine).

    I was going to buy jigsaw puzzles to keep the younger boys busy, but they are suddenly hard to find online!

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  14. For the most part, yes, I *try*.

    For 3rd grade next year, we will use:

    Beast Academy (math), Spelling Work Out (spelling), Zaner-Bloser (cursive), Story of the World 3 (history), Writing With Ease 3 (writing), First Language Lessons 3 (grammar), and library books for earth science/astronomy and literature. DS7 wants to learn Greek, so probably Song School Greek, though DS10 had used Little Latin Readers in 3rd.

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  15. My middle three boys (10, 7, and 5) all have birthdays in the next 6 weeks. I am in need of book recommendations for the 10 and 7 year old boys for birthday gifts. They both burn through books from the library, but I just can't figure out what to BUY for them this year. Gift giving is usually my super power, as my family and friends will attest to, but my anxiety is up lately and I'm having trouble coming up with good ideas. Both are excellent and voracious readers who usually have more than one book going at a time. 

    Favorites of DS10: anything by Rick Riordan, Stuart Gibbs (Spy School series), Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl series), Gordan Korman, James Patterson, Amulet series, Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales, etc. He has asked recently about reading The Hunger Games, but I'm not sure if he'll like it...

    Favorites of DS7: mostly non-fiction (science, math, coding, ciphers, logic), Ben Hatke (Little Robot, Mighty Jack), Secret Coders series, Science Comics series, books on crafting and building (origami, pop-up books, Legos, etc), David Macauley, joke books, etc.


  16. The problems in each chapter are numbered from 1 through 100-something, so if you turn to the first problem you have in the book you will know exactly how many problems you are actually missing. (For example, if page 8 starts with question #9, then you are only missing 8 questions). Looking at book 2D which I just grabbed off the shelf, you might only be missing 5-10 problems. The solution to those problems are written out IN FULL in the back of the book, so you might be able to recreate them if you really wanted to... Hope that helps!

    • Thanks 1
  17. Saw this tweet this morning about starting a journal to detail how we get through this period of time. 

    There was a book made from the journal of a woman in England during WWII called "Nella Last's War" that I've just requested from the library. I'm not much of a journaler, but I'm going to start one today. I may ask my DH & kids to add to it, as well. It will give us something to do!

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  18. We made sure to get in two museum/aquarium visits within the last two weeks, because I guessed that this was coming. With DS5's speech therapy now cancelled, we can get in some extra school-type stuff in on Wednesdays (we usually only do math, logic, and read literature) so that when everyone else goes back to school we can ditch and go to the beach!

    Though, with DH home for the next two weeks (at least), it will be a bit harder to run school around here. Let's hope he has a project he wants to work on, by himself, in the garage... 

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  19. 10 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

    Ds doesn't like fish sticks. 

    DS10 could eat his weight in fish sticks if I let him. I have to cut him off at 3 servings. Seriously, 600+ calories of fish sticks is enough for one sitting! 

    On a related note, one of the local supermarket chains had a buy-one-get-one-free sale on the large bags of fish sticks for Lent and I *may* have bought six bags. 🤣

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